Anybody here vegan?

by Dagney 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    Empty- lol, added some Natural Balance for flavor instead of butter how radical is that wooHooo

  • neverscreamagain

    Dagney: Is your topic concerning veganism or being vegetarian?

    Living in Texas, both are legislated against. Ha!

  • Dagney

    @NSA: vegan. But I think I couldn't do it forever, now that I'm hyperventilating thinking about no sushi ever again. No, don't think so.

    And cheese. Sniff. And eggs.

  • LV101

    It's my goal but I fail --- I am trying to (once again) ween myself off of junk bread (sourdough) and go vegetarian --- vegan is the strictest form of vegetarianism? I'm so allergic to milk products and I crave/eat yogurt anyway --- not good! The soy yogurt is way too many points on weight watchers (my friend calculated the points on the w/w point counter for me and it's absurd!) and I don't want to gain weight. don't like being dependent on meat for protein because it's not healthy and prefer nuts, veggies, etc.

    Too much rice and grains makes me sugary so I'm forcing myself to try the tofu (firm at this point) and see if that helps in place of meat. I don't eat very much meat --- just when I have to balance out the sugary feeling.

    Any suggestions where I can find low-fat tofu? Checked today at Whole Foods and if they don't carry it I'm probably out of luck. How do the 7th day adventists do it!

    Great topic --- I need it.

  • designs

    Where are clams and oysters on the food chain.

  • designs

    'I can't seem to find any Donut seeds' Homer Simpson

  • TOTH

    Not me. I'm an omniverous person. I am not trying to offend anyone who disagrees with my dietary intake. Just sayin'...

  • neverscreamagain

    Best that I can do is to limit my meat consumption. But for the past couple of years have eliminated all fast-food. Takes a lot of planning.

    I listen to a local Pacifica radio program occasionally on being Vegan, and are those guys tough! Not only food, but no animal product usage whatsoever. Don't think I could go that extreme.

    Google info on "Slow Food Movement", interesting idea, I kinda like their style.

  • ex360shipper

    vegtables are not food. food eats vegtables. just my two cents.

  • biometrics

    My whole family is almost vegan, and have at times been fully vegan. It all started with my son's dairy intolerance, and then my wife's type two diabetes. We eliminated dairy first, then gradually went off meat, which was a big thing for us. I used to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, some type of meat for lunch, and steak or roast for dinner. Typically we’d have two meals of meat per day.

    The only thing that's not vegan in our diet is eggs 2-3 times per week, and fish about once per week.

    Since being (mostly) vegan, I've lost over 27 lb without feeling hungry, have more energy, have normal blood pressure and cholesterol. My wife’s diabetes is completely gone.

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