They don't think you can truly be happy "outside"

by lilbluekitty 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD

    Living well is the best revenge. - George Herbert, English clergyman & metaphysical poet (1593 - 1633)

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I agree with freetosee. The best thing I ever did was leave the wt cult. I no longer have any contact with any of my relatives that are or were JWs. It's sad in some ways but nobody's life is perfect. It has been the best choice for me to create my own life away from all of them. I truly believe that I would have committed suicide many years ago if I had not left.

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    It is very unfortunate that some of the folks think that once you leave, your life automatically goes "downhill"...I mean, there's no need for the negativity...there are tons of folks who have left, and are not alcholics, drug addicts ect

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    But that is what they are taught over and over from the pulpit. Brainwashed. They have to believe it in order to stay in.

  • av8orntexas

    I've NEVER been doing better in my life than at the current moment.

    Yet my mom browbeasts me to death with the same thing.

    She always tells me I'm doing bad. I ask how ? Tell me specifically I ask.

    All she can ever come up with is, "You don't go to the meetings,you don't serve Jehovah."

    I told her man........ " if I had no job, 8 kids, 4 baby mamas, and a drug habit I'd hate to know how you really feel."

    I've never given my mom grief or trouble EVER. I'm stable,independent,no kids,I work hard. Her favorite word is unthankful. She tells me this all the time. It used to hurt. But now it just pisses me off and pushes me even farther from her. The Dubs have her mind and I blame them.

    $##^*&^ them. If it weren't for them I think my mom and I would get along better. We do,but take out the witnesses and it would be much better.

  • Finally-Free

    If being a JW is such a "happifying" experience then why do so many leave? Why isn't the whole world lining up at the kingdom hall doors? And why are JWs always ready to rip each other to shreds behind each others backs?

    I never knew what depression was until I joined the JWs and experienced it first hand.


  • mrsjones5

    My mother thinks I'm secretly unhappy with my "worldly" husband and if she can just keep telling how she loves me better than my husband and ragging on said husband that eventually I will leave my walking corpse of a husband and come back to her and jehovah. Neither of which will ever happen. She called the other day. Wanted to meet up for coffee at the Whole Foods cafe. I might arrange to meet her next week and have the hubby tag along.

  • thetrueone

    There are numerous variables of propaganda this organization uses to attract adherents as well to keep them there.

    Just one of the many subjective lies the leaders of this organization implies.

    Join are family and happiness is guaranteed right toward paradise.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I like your style Mrs. J

  • lilbluekitty

    I don't know how to quote on here but MrsJones, my mother does the same thing about my "walking corpse" husband. She already brainwashed me (when I was still a dub) to leave him once, then I got my head on straight and he thankfully allowed me to come back and I won't listen to her anymore about the things she says about him. Every time I'm sick she tells me he's not taking care of me properly, she thinks it's all his fault we're poor (though she isn't rich herself and I try not to seek riches) and so on. I keep telling her it's wrong to talk about him behind his back, and really to talk about my husband that way at all but I guess it's a JW thing. I'm glad I married that "worldly" guy, he was one of the things that helped me out of the JWs. :)

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