They don't think you can truly be happy "outside"

by lilbluekitty 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • lilbluekitty

    I was on the phone with my mom last night (she's an uber-dub with a don't ask, don't tell type policy where we basically just don't discuss the fact that I celebrate holidays and go to church regularly etc.) and she said she was talking to one of my old friends from the hall there. The friend asked my mom how I've been and my mom said she made a face and kind of went "ehhh..." and talked about my lack of meeting attendance (she doesn't know it's way more than that) and my friend shook her head and said, "Aw, that's too bad, but I've been in ruts like that before" as though I'm just depressed and don't feel like going lately. What annoyed me is I said to my mom, "Well you could have told her I'm doing just fine and I'm happy and busy and enjoying life" and she cut me off and said, "Oh but you're not going to any meetings, so I told her the truth, that you're just not doing well."

    Sometimes it sucks to be a fader, I wish I could just explain how much happier and free I finally am after so many years of depression in that cult.

  • nugget

    witnesses are conditioned to think that people who leave the organisation are miserable and when they reach the pits of despair they will return. It is a shame that they cannot process the idea that leaving the organisation can makes you happier and less stressed.

    I found fading hard you cannot speak your mind or be entirely free however if you are celebrating holidays and visiting church then you are already moving towards a degree of freedom. I feel sorry for your mum still trapped in a place where the unfaithful and faithful have to be equally miserable.


    In WatchTower World

    If your not busy providing the WBT$ with Free Labour..

    There`s no way you could be Happy..

    I don`t Do Enough for the WatchTower..

    I`m so Unhappy!..


  • 00DAD

    lilbluekitty: "Well you could have told her I'm doing just fine and I'm happy and busy and enjoying life" and she cut me off and said, "Oh but you're not going to any meetings, so I told her the truth, that you're just not doing well."

    What you said was perfect. The fact that your mom interrupted you was not. You can't control her, but you can set up boundaries.

    I would have said something like, "Please don't interrupt me. It's not polite and it makes me feel like you're not listening to me. And you should know that what you told my old friend is NOT the truth. I AM doing well."

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Just Ron and I were at Walmart last night and we ran into 2 different dubs. One is an older man, a convert who hasn't been in the borg more than 20 years tops. He greeted me, but apparantly didn't notice Just Ron. I said hi and smiled, said we were all doing fine and kept on walking. The other is a young born in sister, although she's very irregular at meetings and I've never seen her in service. She married a non-dub and has 2 little kids. She was quite friendly, we chatted a bit although I didn't mention anything about the kids joining scouts or celebrating birthdays. She said something about really missing us at meetings, which I just let pass. I try to convey an upbeat and positive outlook to the dubs, because really there is nothing in my life worth complaining about although my natural inclination is to be less pollyanna and more eeyore

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    And we know they can't be truely happy "inside".

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    As much as I hate to admit it, I was one of those, who, with their pathetic smug, would often talk down about those who left. What a mess they are now.

  • WTWizard

    Whether you are truly happy outside or not, you are more likely to be even more miserable inside. While a witless, you are still miserable from the same problems (plus additional ones, usually stemming from wasting time and resources on the cancer and from false hope), plus you have to pretend to be happy. At least on the outside, you are only miserable from the problems in the world, without the additional problems from having to pretend to be happy and from wasting resources on the religion.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    It is very important to be happy if you are.....and step in and say so when you are being misprepresented.

  • freetosee

    We have happy moments. I don't believe there is such a thing as true happiness. Life has its ups and downs. Even if my life was fantastic, how can I truly be happy, when so many other people are suffering?

    Whatever the case, with all the ups and downs in life, the best thing I ever did was leaving the wt cult.
    I left the wt cult not in search of true happiness, but because I realised it is all a big lie!


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