Things said from the platform

by MoodyBlue 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    hey wendy,

    Imo, the point of having a very pointed special needs talk immediately after someone was publicly reproved or df'd was to communicate the message in a non-sueable way (slander) as to what the person did - and that it could happen to you to.

    Of course, the majority of us knew exactly who the elder was referring to - and now we knew what that person had done - and we would talk about it. Just human nature, and the WTBTS knows it.

    The WTBTS always points to themselves as unique and all other religions as Satan's organization. We never heard the good that other religious groups did. If we read it in the papers, then the 'wise' amongst us would say, "well, you can't trust what the papers say. Look what they say about Jehovah's Witnesses!"


  • JAVA

    Speaking of "Things said from the Platform," comes the following:

    There was an elderly man at our KH who dozed often throughout our exciting meetings. During the Watchtower study the guy beside him raised his hand to answer a question, but the conductor thought it was the elderly brother, and called his name. Hearing his name over the PA system awakened him from his catnap. When the microphone arrived, he stood up and prayed, thinking it was the end of the meeting. It gets better . . .

    In prayer he thanked Jehovah for all the spiritual food he received that day, and for another interesting Watchtower study! That's one meeting I'll never forget.

    JAVA, counting time at the Coffee Shop

    Edited by - JAVA on 16 January 2001 12:27:0

  • Angharad
    When someone in the congregation was reproved and almost immediatly after there would be a "special needs" talk given.

    I remember something like that in our hall, we had a special needs talk about homosexuality, and stright after an elder got up and anounced that three servents were being removed.

    Only one of them was being removed for this reason, but it implied that they all were involved. There were plently of raised voices in the back room after that meeting.

    Edited by - angharad on 16 January 2001 12:37:18

  • happytobefree


    I have tear streaming down my face from laughing from your experience. You see those are the type of experiences the JW need to keep awake. Thank you for the laughter.

    And I would like to relate something that just happened Sunday. At 8:30 a.m on Sunday my phone ringed, on the other end was a friend from a former congreation I had attended. She started off the conversation by apologizing for call so early, but she was in desperate needs. He furnace had gone completely out and she was wondering if my financial circumstances could allow me to help out (she is a single sister with a son with a limited income and a homeowner), I ask her how much was she in need of (I have a little money) - she stated she need $2,000. I responded I don't have that much - did you talk with the brothers (referring to elders) - she said yes and BRo. such and such referred her to a contractor. She not knowing that I am now VERY inactive, I replied that all he could do for you. She said yes and apologized for him by saying the same thing happened to such (you know the JW mindset) Anyhow back to the story, being that now I volunteer for charities and I know about such a program that assist people as her I referred he to this Organization and told her the monies received come from the local churches, she did not say anything, but did ask for the name and number of such organization. Now that I have this little story out, I'm going to try come back to my point.

    Of all of the things they tell us is our Service to God is, why not bring across the message of helping his children and especially our brethern of our own faith. Oh my goodness I'm so overwhelmed with expletives that I must end this topic.


    That's my 2 cents

    Happy to Be Free (Me)

  • ZazuWitts


    LOL - thanks for the rememberance. I
    have a similar one:

    There was an elderly sister who was asked to 'thump' the piano when regular sister was "sickly." She was always so happy when asked to do so - fussed up front at the piano for ever so long before the meeting - you could see her nodding her head going over the 'most difficult' score.

    On these occasions she would always sit in the front row, and inevitably fall into a light sleep, emitting a soft snore (which, I might add, was more rhythmic than her piano thumping.) During one Tower study, the person sitting next to her raised hand to answer question, the little flurry of activity caused her to spring to life, very quickly rush to piano and start playing before any one could stop her.
    The 'drama' did lighten up the study I might add, you could occasionally here some individual still chuckling throughout the rest of study. And, when she repeated the song at the end, she good-humoredly said, "Well I've had extra practice - haven't I."

  • ZazuWitts


    I loved what you related above. I just had a call this morning from an acquaintance who asked if I would help with packing needed medical supplies for the El Salvador tragedy. I had worked with them during the Nicaragua
    natural disaster. It was so interesting to me that these people, from all different walks of life and religions took such a compassionate view of the tragedy of a far-away country.

    There was one woman, in particular, who informed me that she was "probably, at best an agnostic" but she stated that she found good words in many religions and philosophies - she just cared about
    human suffering.

    This group seems to really care - and they seem to know how to go about it - sending first, much needed medical supplies - and then continuing on with other needed things. Yes, there is truly more to helping your fellow man than knocking on doors pushing literature on people.

    And, re the "furnace" 'sister' - I remember so, so many people whom for a variety of reasons, needed some financial assistance for some emergency -most of time they were offered a referral to someone to do the job - but not any actual dollar help, even as a loan. Yet, as you now know, there are groups that will provide such assistance - "how very wordly" right?

  • happytobefree


    Another gem from the platform in relations to Charity. Most of the monies do not go for their intended purpose. What a joke - because I'm sure most of the money collected from the voluntary donation, does not make it to their intended purpose (I for one have spend a few bucks at McDonalds, oh the reproach I have brought upon Jehovah).

    Well that's just a thought.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • JAVA

    Same guy, different story:

    As we know, JWs are more or less required to join the TMS, and give talks. The elderly brother who napped during meetings never joined the school or gave talks, but would attend. When I was appointed the TMS servant I talked everyone into taking part, even the elderly brother. Sure enough, he showed up for his talk; it lasted about 5 minutes--the longest 5 minutes in my life.

    The poor guy was extremely nerves, and literally shaking from head to toe. He stood behind the podium, held on to it with both hands as if letting go would cause sudden death. He looked straight out into the audience with a glazed expression, and didn't say a word--not one word!

    While clutching the podium with his hands, he somehow twisted or wrapped both legs around the legs of the podium, and stood there like a deer staring into oncoming headlights. Five minutes into his 6-minute "talk," I rang the bell; he didn't move.

    I approached the stage, slowly walked to the podium and helped dislodge each hand from the speaker's stand as he released his legs and feet from maze below the stand. Together we walked to his seat, and I returned to the podium and commended him for his effort.

    That was the longest 5 minutes of my life as a JW. Needless to say, I didn't put him on the schedule again, and he didn't mind. He also taught me the lesson I didn't learn at the Kingdom Ministry School in Pittsburgh. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

    Wouldn't it be a hoot if Zazu's piano thumper and this guy were in the same KH. The congregation would be blessed with mid-meeting prayers and melodies, intermingled with a chorus of snores, punctuated with the sounds of silence during occasional "talks."

    JAVA, counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • joel

    Persecution and the Growth thing...
    were two things that were always brought prove that the Org. was God's Org.
    Well I could post alot of info about how other Christians are persecuted much more that Jdubs...
    and if the stats be known...groups like Mormons...Muslims and others are growin' at a much faster rate than the JW's are.
    So knowin' that when I was active...I would cringe when I heard these as proofs for JW's bein' God's one n only Org.


  • larc

    Hey Joel,

    Their persecution today is rather minimal, and they have taken steps to reduce it, like doing alternate service rather than jail time. By contrast, my mother's cousin served three years of a five year sentence during WWII.

    Also, they permited the bribing of officials in Mexico to get out of any persecution.

    If you go back and read Rutherford's books, you will see why they were hated back then. If you tell me that my religion is a Whore, I might be upset myself. That's what the Judge did, the spiritual leader of the JWS, serving up wonderful spiritual food.

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