The Wacky World of Dating Sites

by Terry 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I think BOTR and Terry would make a very interesting couple. Forget the Ivy League dolts, a man like Terry is exactly what BOTR needs.

    Think About It

  • mrsjones5

    "Sorry...No one goes out with the..sweet scrawny guy."

    I did. Married him too. He turned to be the love of my life. If I had been so shallow to let his "scrawniness" get in the way I would have lost out on the best relationship I've ever have, a great friend, a wonderful lover, and four beautiful kids.

  • aquagirl

    Ms Jones,You too a chance and it worked out,good for you,It CAN happen!!!!yay!

  • mrsjones5

    Ya, he's my sexy nerd.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Perhaps this is an age issue. It was Paul McCartney for me and only Paul McCartney. My journey may be different b/c of the Witnesses. College was bad for dating. Hooking up happened. There were no boundaries. A year or two passed. Men were friends. Actual dating, cofee shops to Broadway, happened. Men were no longer something to grab in victory. I used to joke that as I walked down the aisle of my church, a football victory song should play. I could afford Limoges and nice furnishings. Men were finally people to me.

  • ziddina

    OOOOOOO!! Terry!!

    You're cute!!

    I'd "date" yer!!!

    Too bad I'm already married...

  • mrsjones5

    <-----That's what she said!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I'm a "nice fat girl" and I'm the one every guy wants to be "friends" with, but won't date.

    So tired of being passed over. That was part of the reason I posted the "invisible" thread. I'm invisible to guys. Unless they want something, usually my time or money... they never want love or a relationship.


  • ziddina
    "Honestly, almost any sort of body type or face can be amazingly attractive IF THE RIGHT PERSONALITY is the driving force behind it!!
    I'll give you an example of that. Adrian Brody. He has a huge honking nose, but, he is so interesting women find him very attractive.
    Barry White. He was a LARGE man and sweaty too. But--that sexy voice!! ..." Terry

    OOOOO, don't get me started...

    GEOFFREY RUSH!!!! [drooooooooooolllll...!!]

    Gimme a rascally old pirate captain, ANY day of the year!!! [Or an Elizabethan super-spy... ]

    And you should have seen the look of disbelief on one of my friend's faces, when I mentioned that I thought he was sexy...

  • ziddina

    Damn, I killed the thread...

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