The Wacky World of Dating Sites

by Terry 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'd rather live out my life alone than to be trapped in a bad relationship with someone I don't like who and or doesn't like me.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    My boyfriend chucked me yesterday and I'm devestated.

  • FlyingHighNow

    (((((((((Diana)))))))) How long did you guys go with each other?

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    A year and a half. I love him soooo much. I am 42 years old and have never met anyone

    I wanted to really be with. It was all a misunderstanding. He thinks I lied to him..he's convinced

    himself I did before he even talked to me about it. I am telling the truth and I would never put

    our relationship in peril, but he just won't have it. How can I prove something I didn't do???

    I told him how I really feel. I called him this morning to hear his voice. And I sent flowers to

    his work..I said, J, you had my heart and soul since our first date. I don't want to be without

    you. Ever.

    I know he got the flowers since I had a confirmation. I think I've done everything I can. I don't know.

    I haven't eaten in over 48 hours. Everything I put in my mouth I gag on. I really don't think I can be

    without him. I'm such a sad case.

  • shamus100

    If you can handle it, being single is not such a bad thing.

    The problem with relationships is you have to work at it and sometimes there is nothing to work on at all. ;P Sorry, I'm a glass half empty kinda guy.

    I am single and happy. I travel on a whim's notice and do whatever I want.

    Life is good, but you have to be that person to be happy and single.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I haven't eaten in over 48 hours. Everything I put in my mouth I gag on. I really don't think I can be without him. I'm such a sad case.

    That's how it feels. I remember. And I know it feels like there is no hope to recover. There is, but for now it will not feel that way. He doesn't sound reasonable in this case. How important was the relationship to him?

  • FlyingHighNow
  • JRK

    To Diana,

    I am sorry that you are going through this pain. I hope you can work it out. But remember, if he is not a good forgiver, he probably is not as good a catch as you thought he was. Big hugs.


  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Thanks for the kind words....

    In a nutshell, I was at a girlfriend's house Sunday night. I hadn't seen her for a

    while. She lives about an hour away. We drank alot, like always, and I fell asleep

    around 8ish. Lame, I know. Anyway, when I woke up I had six missed calls. My phone

    was on vibrate so I didn't hear it. I texted him and told him I was at friend's and going

    to bed. He texted back to phone him right away..which I did. I thought it was an emergency.

    By then this is almost midnight. He starts grilling me; what did we do? Where did I park my

    car, etc. I was kind of short with him because I was tired and drunk so I said goodbye. He calls

    back immediately and says he's in the "area" of my friend's house and wants to come kiss me

    goodnight. Well, she lives about an hour and forty minutes from him. I said no. My friend was

    asleep in her room with her eight-year-old son and black lab and the house alarm was set, and

    I don't know the code. It's after midnight..I'm not going to wake the whole house up. I got kind of

    annoyed and said no. Well, get a text immediately that said "busted." I just ignored it for the moment

    because I didn't want a fight. Next morning he texts me that we're done, it's over. I show my friend

    the texts and tell her what happened. I called him immediately and put her on the phone, proof that I

    was there. He was short with her. Then ripped into me, saying, just admit you weren't there. You'll feel

    better once you do, stop the bs, that I sounded like I was lying. I actually sounded a bit frustrated and

    annoyed because he was grilling me so hard asking me 50 questions.

    Anyway, next day he tells me that he's 100 percent sure I wasn't there. And BTW, he wasn't in the area. He

    was just testing me, I think. And I didn't say the right thing I guess. Thing is, this man in the most

    laid back, kind person I know. This is so out of character. He knows I love him loads...I beg to spend

    more time with him. He said he doesn't love me anymore and I'm in the deepest pit I've ever been in.

    I would rip my heart out for him. And the only other person I would do that for is my son.

    Please send positive thoughts my way. I'm on the verge of losing it.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Diana, your guy does not sound healthy. He should be giving you the benefit of the doubt. I know you are in deep pain, but this is huge red flag he's sending up. What he is describing is very immature and it is very much the behavior of a stalker. He sounds very insecure.

    I know you have the initial shock and feelings of grief to deal with. Please look into the link I sent you and others like it. Also, do research on what inappropriate behaviors constitute abusive, stalking type behaviors when you can finally see through your tears.

    Will send up positive thoughts. We can and do survive things that seem too painful. Then we heal and life goes on and often it ends up better.

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