That's right, beeotch! Pour my coffee and go own with your cult self...

by undercover 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.


    DAMN RIGHT!!!! You walk in the door from service don't you dare relax or put your things away........

    BRING ME THAT COFFEE from the Kitchen and DON'T YOU DARE FORGET TO ASK!!!!!!!!!

    "anything else my Lord?"

  • james_woods

    Interesting to compare this with the article on another thread today which slammed JWs for marrying non JW people - they were harshly told that they were being deliberately disobedient to Jehovah.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    And don't forget to call me Jesus..... and ask For Forgivness!!!!

    Next month's follow up Article!

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    LOL, Charlie!!!

  • cedars

    It truly is a shocking photo. I missed it entirely when I was going through the mag, because I was focussing on the material itself. I forget to check on how outrageous the photos are. As the recent post about the "social networking" Awake showed, the magazines are fast becoming recognized as an art genre in their own right - an art of the ludicrous and out-dated.

    So what do we learn from this photo? Well, wives should learn to multi-task, and get their hours in on the ministry whilst simultaneously serving hot beverages to their seated husbands. Anything less would make them less "lovable".


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Oh they are definitely going to 'do it' once she gets out of those frumpy clothes ......oh wait maybe they are playing out a sexual fantasy of his ! Sister have you come to confess your sins to me ,first pour me some coffee ....


    Honey, ''I swept and mopped the floor,did the dishes,made you a beef stew to heat up,took the kids to soccer practice,brought you the newspaper and folded it to the sports section,and made you some fresh hot coffee. Now, I need to go out in the field ministry........ Why do you keep looking at me like that?''

  • Ding

    "What this about ME having to heat up the beef stew????"

  • wallsofjericho

    i love the clothing the WTS puts on people to show they are or are not JW's.

    If this guy was wearing khaki's and a clean golf shirt, then we would think he is a believing husband but just not going out in service.

    BUT - since he is wearing track pants and a T-shirt then we know he MUST be a UBM. I mean it's SOOO obvious.

  • baltar447

    Wow, honey you joining that cult has made you quite the wife! Except of course you don't let me **** your *****, but HEY! You bring me coffee!

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