1914: Still Important to Watchtower in 2012

by leavingwt 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • shamus100

    Oh Billy.

    For goodness sakes everything prophecized (sp?) happens with the Watchtower, but it happens invisibly! :D You have to have faith to see it, silly duckling...

  • shamus100

    Oh Billy.

    For goodness sakes everything prophecized (sp?) happens with the Watchtower, but it happens invisibly! :D You have to have faith to see it, silly duckling...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Oh, so false religion was destroyed invisibly. And the King of the North has already finished his attack invisibly. Armageddon has happened invisibly. And I'm already in an invisible paradise.

    Ouch! I think my invisible panda just bit me! Shamus, protect me from my invisible biting panda!

  • shamus100


    You are not invisibly in paradise. You are in hell; A hell where a ravenous monkey follows you about like a puppy dog looking for you to drop cums of your pizza. ;D

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I've been invisibly attending the meetings at the KH for the past 6 months now! It's surprisingly a lot like being visibly absent from the meetings for 6 months. Either way, it's pretty damn good.

    I really can't tell the difference between invisible paradise with a biting panda and invisible hell with a ravenous, pizza-eating monkey. Either way, it looks exactly like being on the Internet in my apartment.

  • james_woods
    Paragraph 10 of the original post leaves out important JW dogma. The "great tribulation" needs to happen with the destruction of false religion and a powerful advance by the King of the North. How can they just drop those teachings and hang it all on their crazy "over-lapping generation since 1914"?

    Another interesting question would be - how are they going to explain about being wrong about the King of the North? Who is the new King of the North going to be?

  • james_woods
    Oh Billy.
    For goodness sakes everything prophecized (sp?) happens with the Watchtower, but it happens invisibly! :D You have to have faith to see it, silly duckling...

    Everything is invisible. The monkey is invisible - he performs invisibly in an invisible circus; riding on invisible roller skates.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    God and the angels are all invisible. Satan and his demons are all invisible. Babylon the Great is falling invisibly. Christ came to power and now reigns as king albeit invisibly. Jws are living in spiritual paradise now but this too is not visible to "normal" people.

    The King of the North can be who ever they choose. He might even be invisible too and might even have an invisible battle too.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "God and the angels are all invisible."

    At least Santa is real. I saw him all over the place last December.

    The "faithful slave" is also invisible. Technically, they're also not faithful.

  • Witchettygrub

    For the ones that gave their All and lived for the end of this system - sold homes, rejected a good education etc based on that date - it's healthier to let go, expecially after all these decades.

    After all, we've still 22 years to enjoy ourselves...2034 ahead.


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