1914: Still Important to Watchtower in 2012

by leavingwt 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Refriedtruth

    I started door to door in 1960 the 1914 algorithm is the ENTIRE foundation of the Watchtower doctrinal superstructure.

    Back in 1960,70....the 1914 generation date was all we talked about it was every new recruits primer.


    It comes straight from William Miller Terry the poster here has masterful threads up on Captain Miller.

  • diamondiiz

    they believe their own lies.

    I doubt it, not in this day and age. To defend their bogus dates, they have resorted to quoting sources out of context. To do so, they take time and effort to distort the original meaning and present a twisted version of reality, that is done not so much by believers but by crooks. I doubt very much that GB believe the crap they teach but they have no choice at this point. They are too deep in their own shit with blood dripping off their murderous hands that the only way for them is to continue on with the charade. This way they can die living a comfortable lifestyle. I don't know what the alternative is for them if they came clean and told 7 million that most of their teachings are nonsense based on a lie? But possible lawsuits I would imagine, maybe even criminal charges. If the truth was told, I could imagine many old ones dying from heard attacks, strokes as the truth would be unbearable, suicides would sky rocket while die hard dubs would form their own smaller cults.

  • AnnOMaly

    Oh boy. 607, 455, 1914. It has it all. Paragraph 14:

    Many of the momentous changes in the world have been fulfilling prophecy, particularly in regard to the global preaching of the good news of God's Kingdom. Think about the collapse of the Soviet Union and its consequences. Few would have thought that such enormous political changes could happen so quickly.

    Short memories about how much was riding on the prophetic expectations regarding the communist bloc and how these likewise collapsed 'overnight.' How much has been glossed over here! LOL.

    And the sub-heading, "Exercise Fiath In Jehovah's Timing" - WHOSE timing was that? Come again?

  • Alfred

    Recently, I accomplished something I thought I would never acheive... I was able to convince a hardcore JW elder that 607 is incorrect... but he quickly shrugged it off by saying: "yes, but remember... Jehovah's servants in the past were not necessarily educated people. so why would you expect them to be educated enough to get this chronology right?"... that was followed by my biggest "WTF???" moment of my life...

  • Leolaia

    I remember how it was in the 80s....the end seemed so imminent to me, not so much because of 1914 or the 1914 generation, but because of the Cold War and because nuclear holocaust seemed like an inevitability between the two superpowers. I don't think people in the rising generation can really appreciate what that felt like, especially in the JWs, where we were reminded of that all the time, and which made it seem common-sense that God would intervene just prior to humanity destroying itself. The preaching genuinely felt urgent because it seemed that the end literally could come at any time (remember the Doomsday Clock just three minutes before midnight?). Those fears all evaporated with the collapse of the Iron Curtain, and the change in political circumstances played a big role in defusing the sense of urgency, or even the notion that my generation is living at the "time of the end". I was able to imagine how in WWII it must have also seemed like it was the end of the world, but it was simply history marching on.

  • thetrueone

    This religion like most religions was created on a platform of lies.

    The most obvious intension concerning the WTS. was the deliberate effort to attract attention from the public

    toward the organization's published literature, this has carried on continuously now for more than a century.

    There always seems through the publics perception that where there is godly expressions of faith that there can not

    be any deceiving corruption entwined with this expression of Faith. Thats why people blindly and naively start studying with

    JWS in the first place. The way the WTS. presents its information in that we have the only real bible truths, plays into

    the minds of people who become interested to what they are being apostatized to.

    What the WTS. is doing now is just embellishing what they previously proclaimed about 1914, painting a original lie over

    with a different appealing color just to make it hold some semblance of appreciable viability.

  • thetrueone

    Name a religion that doesn't have a structure of lies holding itself up ?

  • Refriedtruth

    "Name a religion that doesn't have a structure of lies holding itself up"

    What is so evil is that this IS the response they give in forums to the false teaching charges against them,once you try to pin them down,and it's the same subterfuge the Scientologist use.

    They are willfully committing fraud for god.The Watchtower defrauded millions of followers me and my clan,of our time,lives,education,faith,money....

  • cedars

    IMHO, 1914 will continue to be important for the Watchtower for many years to come. After all, they've bought themselves another 20 years or so by applying the "120 year" period spoken of in Genesis 6:3 to the 1914 prophecy.

    It will be interesting to see what they start saying by way of explanation as we approach 2034. That's when I expect things to start changing dramatically, and the rank and file will be called upon to exercise some real mental gymnastics in order to accept whatever the "new light" turns out to be then.


  • designs

    Leolaia- You are right, Nuclear War and the Soviet threat was a good whipping tool. Even the fall of the Berlin Wall played into their hands with 'Peace and Security' being the fallback position. When you are intent on the world coming to an end you have to cover all scenarios.

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