1914: Still Important to Watchtower in 2012

by leavingwt 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111

    What is slick is how they put 607 in paragraph 7...

    Switched to the 70-weeks prophecy in paragraph 8...which has nothing to do with the Seven Times dogma lifted from the Adventists.

    Then they bring up 1914 in paragraph 9 without directly referencing 607...and yet indirectly hinting at it.

  • ziddina

    1914 was the ONLY time they ever managed to accidentally hit on a date wherein something actually HAPPENED....

    As in, World War One....

    Other than that, their prophecies have been a HUGE BUST... Nothing has ever happened when they said it would....

    So, they're going to cling to that 1914 date FOR - EVER!!!

    But that's a very good thing for the REST of us.....

    As the "1914" date receeds into history and loses its significance, the Watchtower Corporation will look ever more ridiculous.

    Which will be yet another "pry-bar" to assist in getting loved ones out.... Yay!!!

  • cedars

    Ziddina - true in one sense, although what was prophesied to happen in 1914 underwent a few rewrites after the event.

    For example, I don't think they were originally expecting the great dragon to be hurled down in that year. I think they assumed that this had already happened in the 1870s or something like that. Of course, the benefit of an invisible dragon being hurled down is that nobody can confidently say it didn't happen. Also, dragon suits hadn't been invented back then, so they couldn't stage a fake "hurling" session...


  • Refriedtruth

    1914 was the ONLY time they ever managed to accidentally hit on a date wherein something actually HAPPENED....

    As in, World War One....

    Actually they didn't even get 1914 correct,there was a cluster of dates 1914 hit like winning the lottery

    http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/195134/1/ Did-the-WT-totally-luck-out-with-World-War-I-starting-in-1914

  • Leolaia

    LOL...cedars....okay let's have a fake dragon hurling session....in Skyrim!!


  • cedars

    LOL Leolaia!

    Ziddina - before you watch this video, PLEASE be advised that no dragons were harmed in the making of this film.


  • Refriedtruth

    The Watchtower may never have to resolve 1914 it could just fade away unless....another Ray Franz heavyweight from the inner circle comes clean.

    I can tell you this in 30 years the people like me who lived (and died) for 1914 and the inventors of 1914 will all be dead.I can remember many discussions of the pyramids and how they were used for the truth,that's right this is early 1960's.Now few JW alive remember the pyramids.It was a favorite rave by my own JW grandfather.

    As recently as the inspiring 1980 yearbook on the experiences of the faithful bros in France who stayed loyal to 1914 after the great 'evil slave ' falling away.

    There was a Cong in Plymouth mass were my father who gave public talks and they were all old Russelites.The memories and the lingo will all evolve,dissolve and fade away.Those who left just couldn't keep up with Jehovah's celestial chariot.

    BUT these freedom of mind apostates web pages will also get boosted and the WBTS could still come crashing down from another kind of scandal that we may not be on to yet.

  • Phizzy

    When Ray Franz left, pre Internet, that had ahuge effect for many years. If a heavy weight GB member left today, and went on the Net with all the dirt it would cause a bigger ripple.

    The old blind cult members would still cling to it though, even such a momentous event would not finish the WT straight away.

    This presentation of 1914 is typical of their mind control, in no way do they spell out how the doctrine is arrived at, they just take that as a given, when was the last time they laid the doctrine out for all to see, in all its glory ?

    The last real mention of it in a teaching way is hidden at the back of the falsely titled "What does the Bible really teach?" book, in an Appendix !

    Their primary doctrine and they have to tuck it away in case someone with a little bit of critical thinking skill says to themselves WTF?

    Oh, they will hang on to 1914 alright, but they won't expose the doctrine for even the acolytes to see, they dare not.

  • ziddina


    The POOR DRAGON!!! The POOR dragon!!!

    It was already DEAD!!! Couldn't they have at least shown some RESPECT for the corpse of a fallen foe??!!!!

    Musta been a dayyamed Afganistan-stationed Marine....

  • DesirousOfChange

    It will be interesting to see what they start saying by way of explanation as we approach 2034. That's when I expect things to start changing dramatically, and the rank and file will be called upon to exercise some real mental gymnastics in order to accept whatever the "new light" turns out to be then.

    Cedars, by 2034, most of the older folks who remember the significance of 1914 will have died. No one will think anything of it. Consider what anyone thinks of 1925 today. It's Old Lite that no one remembers (except apostates who keep bringing it up). How about 1975? All fable. Exaggerated by apostates.


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