Three Strikes "YOUR OUT!"

by N.drew 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew

    I guess I hop around too much.

    The seond post doesn't go with the first post. But I think they are related. I'm the only one that thinks so.

    I suspect the sinning people do (the kind of stuff that lands people in jail) is related somehow to the mass conciousness of they who lie in God's Name. So my second post was not a futher opinion of Christains. It was my opinion of the guy who runs Play Boy.

  • Joliette

    It was one strike for me. As soon as I found out about the child molestation cover ups, that was it for me. Beside the changed doctrines, theology, brainwashed leadership, that was it for me. I was out!!!

  • N.drew

    Good Joliette!

    The biggest trouble with the Org is secretiveness. Many people have no idea what really goes on. It was annoying to me that elders had power to disfellowship someone but the reason had to remain a secret. I never understood that.

    Before I was convinced that they do not consider the Good News in their decisions I wanted to stay to see what would become of them.

    I have come the conclusion that the flock (not the rulers) are not cognizant that the rulers lie which makes them lie. It's the saddest thing.

  • NewChapter

    I don't believe in the concept of sin---which is actually a harder way to live. I don't get relieved that 'my sins are fogiven', washed clean, undone. If I believed in such things, and if I believed in sin, I may actually have peace being a sinner, cuz sinners are forgiven.

    Instead I have to consider my actions more carefully. I don't have a fallback. I have actions, consequences and my conscience to deal with I have to clean up my own messes and make peace with any that I have hurt. I have to do this myself, and I don't have the luxury of leaving it in someone else's hands.

    You won't get much agreement when you accuse others of sinning. I think you're giving them the easy way out. For me, they have acted in a way to seriously hurt others, and until they try to clean that up, they don't get a pass.

    On the upside, if I do something that hurts no one, and someone else thinks I have 'sinned' and offended their god, I really don't have to worry about all that. So in that way, it's a much easier way to live. Easier on myself, and easier on those around me. I am not so wrapped up in how an invisible person evaluates all I do. I can actually just deal with the people I am relating to---and they tend to be quite forgiving.


  • WTWizard

    I think one BIG strike should make a religion "out". According to core Christian doctrine, Jesus' death constitutes a perfect, complete sacrifice to which nothing ever need be added. Now, if the religion expects its members (some or all) to self-sacrifice, they are violating that core premise by requiring additional sacrifice in defiance to "nothing ever need be added". At best, it unbalances a once-perfect sacrifice. At worst, it desecrates it. I, for one, say that any discrepancy like that at the very core is a big strike, and one big strike and they are out.


    N.drew "When the USA was settled the early settlers had it the worst. They tread a way for them who would come after. Many people over the same route establishes the route for easier traveling."

    In fairness to the original American settlers it should be mentioned that they were American indians. The white man butchered them in their thousands and claimed the land for himself.

    N.drew "Why would the Christ say "" Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him." if he was "going to make it all good one day""?

    Has Christ spoken these words to you personally or did you get them second-hand from one of the Bible translations?

    You see true Christians have moved beyond the things written and relegated the Bible it to an uninspired collection of hearsay and rumour.

    You must rely on Christ's personal revelations to you through spirit. If you want in on the living Christ you must try to keep up. Hope this helps.

  • N.drew

    Thank you I should have added ("When the USA was settled by foreigners the early settlers from Europe had it the worst.) I remember learning that early native Americans did not have horses and they did not have wagons, so their routes would not be so trampled down, I guess.

    I like your comment WTWizard, I think it is right on.

    And your last comment there Glad is sarcasm.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Personal belief is I'm just not religious. That being said yes I agree with your 1st post strike three, strike 100 they are out out out!!!

  • james_woods
    I guess I hop around too much.
    The seond post doesn't go with the first post. But I think they are related. I'm the only one that thinks so.
    I suspect the sinning people do (the kind of stuff that lands people in jail) is related somehow to the mass conciousness of they who lie in God's Name. So my second post was not a futher opinion of Christains. It was my opinion of the guy who runs Play Boy.

    Good morning, Ms. N.Drew!

    The guy who runs Play Boy used to have Bunnies. If you hop around too much, people might mistake you for a Bunny. They could also make this mistaken identity if you are really, really good at bumper pool.

    BTW - I don't think the guy who runs Play Boy actually runs it any more. I think he does still have the Mercedes 300SL roadster, though.

    I am surprised that this thread has gone this far without any further baseball analogy.

  • N.drew

    Mr Woods I love a sharp eye. Good catch! I didn't even notice the irony, but it's good huh?

    I think someone is driving me. LOL

    I didn't make up the Hugh Hefner query. I saw him on TV. An old happy guy with his Barbie Dolls and I thought huh? Why is he so happy? According to my calculations, he should be not happy. Haha!

    Well it's logic. If the Governing Body is in paradise, how can Hugh be there too? Are there two? :(

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