Pre-emptive shunning - a growing reality

by cedars 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    It seems clear from this thread that the Watchtower's leadership may have created a situation that is spiraling out of control. They have devoted so much of their recent Watchtower articles and convention talks demonizing anyone that does not meet their very rigid guidelines

    I think it could be called Damage Control. Just consider the number of new members joining here. I have only been a member for about 1 year, and yet I see a constant stream (maybe flood) of new members. Obviously, I cannot compare how this relates to the number of new members joining in past years.....

    It seems to me from personal experience and those I've read here that a "line in the sand" has been drawn regarding "weak" suspicious members of the Congregation: ALL BEWARE! The Elders/COs/Etc have no way to determine if someone is really just "weak" or faking fading. Anyone who is not regular at beatings meetings, carrying the national average in FS, insisting their children be dunked at 13 years old 9 years old, IS NOT fitting for association. BEWARE!

    This is an attempt to isolate the gullible innocent members of the Flock from anyone who is even POTENTIALLY a risk of spreading The Truth About The Truth Apostate Lies. We have all experienced what happens once the "blinders" fall out of place, even just a little. Once anyone sees their first glimmer of LIGHT (TTATT), you have the risk of someone who WILL NOT STOP LOOKING -- someone who will no longer except the "stock responses" from the Company Manual. BEWARE: That one is sure to be freed lost.

    This is the only way they think they can control the fact that nearly as many are running "out" as those who can be both birthed and drug "in".


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I've done the slowest fade imaginable. I'm still being shunned.

    All that consideration as to being kind to people's feelings and where did it get me?!

  • Phizzy

    I really feel the thread title is spot on "a growing reality". And it seems to be happening because the JW's are being subliminally led to believe that it is a God approved policy that will protect them and the congregation.

    Kinda shows what sort of God they worship !

    What I wonder is, how can we as individuals best counter this attitude at family level ? When they tell you they will not see or talk with you, what the blazes can you do ? It is tempting to bleat on about not being DF'd or DA'd but they know you are not, and yet have judged you "dangerous" in some way to their oh so frail faith.

    So, is there anything we can do ?

  • 00DAD

    Cedars: Some of these experiences are shocking, and serve to underline the fact that the Society doesn't need to put a policy "in print" for it to become the commonly-accepted way of doing things among the rank and file.

    I think this is so true. And the WTBTS probably prefers this because they have a level of "plausible deniability" since this policy is not officially in print.

  • cedars


    When they tell you they will not see or talk with you, what the blazes can you do ?

    You ask a great question, however sadly it doesn't apply in my case. Those friends and relatives that are shunning me have so far lacked the courage and decency to warn me about it in advance. The emails dry up, the phone calls stop - simple as that. From what I can gather, this sort of behaviour is by no means unusual. After all, why would a witness admit to shunning you when there is no scriptural reason to do so?


  • 00DAD

    Cedars: why would a witness admit to shunning you when there is no scriptural reason to do so?

    Unusual for you, but your statement is confusing. I doubt they'd DENY the shunning!

    Do you mean how would a Witness explain the reason for shunning you when there is no scriptural reason?


  • cedars

    00DAD - What I mean is, they neither confirm nor deny it. They simply don't mention it, and turn off the contact. If pressed on the issue, they make excuses that they have been too busy lately, or something similar.

    If it were formal shunning (i.e. if I was disfellowshipped), they would come right out with it and say "I'm ignoring you because I'm being obedient" or something like that. Not so with pre-emptive shunning - although that's just my experience. People may have been more forthright and open with others who are pre-emptively shunned, which in many ways is preferable. At least you know where you stand.


  • Zordino

    You should all know that "Bad Association spoils USELESS Habits"

  • Vidqun

    Cedars, I have been the subject of pre-emptive shunning, so I have looked into it. You might call it freedom of association (but a bad form of it). They base their view on 2 Tim. 2:20, 21 (NW):

    20 Now in a large house there are vessels not only of gold and silver but also of wood and earthenware, and some for an honorable purpose but others for a purpose lacking honor.

    21 If, therefore, anyone keeps clear of the latter ones, he will be a vessel for an honorable purpose, sanctified, useful to his owner, prepared for every good work.

    So, one should steer clear of "apostates," "free thinkers," yes and the weak, for these might drag you down to their level, if you associate with them on a social level. I disagree with those that say it is a non-official teaching. It's official allright, and it crops up frequently in the literature.

  • cedars

    Vidqun - you're right to a certain extent that pre-emptive shunning could be considered official policy already, although when you think about it, it really isn't. In full shunning, the body of elders decides who is shunned by disfellowshipping them. In pre-emptive shunning, it is down to the individual to decide who is "bad association", effectively making it a Society-sanctioned "personal choice". There is also marking, which is an action taken by elders, but this isn't really what's being discussed.


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