How many people on here have low self-esteem?

by Chemical Emotions 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    I do, so I was just curious.

    I know the Org tends to attract/cause/contribute to people having low self-esteem, so I figure a lot of people must have it as bad or worse than me.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yes, I've had low self esteem most of my life.

    It's something you have to learn to overcome. Time and experience also helps, as you realise your own self-worth as you achieve your goals and learn about life. It's not something you can learn in a book. You need to live and experience life.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    As a kid I always hoped that I'd find some bbok to make me suddenly like myself. NOT gonna happen lol!

  • palmtree67

    It will happen gradually, sweet pea.

    As you leave the religion behind and as you grow older.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I like the way u put the palm, u grow older. I think part of the low self esteem is getting left behind emotionally. It seems to me that dub's that are fully in, never mature past a certain point. Getting involved in immature petty crap. Once u leave that behind, they start to look like children after a while

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    wha happen" did you resolve your issues with your wife, I thought I read a post, where you were dealing with some hardships. I hope it all worked out, as best as this situation could have. It's hard to stay hyper, with the guilt we are all plagued with, we never could do enough, could we?

  • Phizzy

    When I was young, growing up in the WT I gradually developed in to an arrogant, thoughtless bastard.

    As I matured I learned that I was not as clever as I thought, and I did not matter in the grand scheme of things, other people did. I suppose I lowered my self-esteem to a sensible level.

    I do not think it is too low, but I have a sensible view of myself, I am not worth much really, I take more than I give to the human race, but I am working on that.

    I guess that is the way to raise ones self-esteem, become useful by volunteering or doing positive things in your community, I am giving that a try.

  • Fernando

    I believe it is a challenge for every single person in a cult/religion.

    Low self-esteem comes from knowing we don't measure up AND believing the lie that we have to.

    I believe this condition afflicts mostly honesthearted and sincere persons. Members of the Pharisaic ruling religious clergy class mostly respond with "militant ignorance" and "malignant self-righteousness" to convince or deceive themselves that they do measure up. Their supremacist externalism creates the camel gulping and gnat straining "whitewashed graves" Jesus spoke of.

    Religion demands that we "measure up" to be right with God by following the "right" religious rules, religious moral code, religious doctrine and religious knowledge.

    The gospel however offers IMPUTED righteousness (justification) as a free and unmerited gift (Rom 3:22-24).

    Religion demands that we "clean up" to be holy for God by stopping sinning.

    The gospel however offers IMPUTED holiness (sanctification) as a free and unmerited gift.

    Religion makes liars of those embracing it: "We all sin, and those who say they do not sin do not have the truth and are making God out to be a liar (1Jo 1:8-10)" - from it-2 p. 96.

  • transhuman68
  • tornapart

    I don't have low self esteem but my daughter-in-law does terribly. She's always putting herself down and no amount of telling her how lovely she is, what a good mum she is, how clever she is etc has any effect on it. It's such a shame because I know she'd blossom if she accepted herself for what she really is, a lovely, intelligent,caring young woman.

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