Atheists..... throwing the baby out with the bath water ?

by snare&racket 403 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Not EVERYTHING they taught is wrong.

    Mmmm let me think about that....

  • tec

    Well, first THEY didn't teach anything. Just repeated a few things correctly.

    Burning hellfire is wrong, so they got that right.

    Christians should not fight other christians - they got that right too, even if their definition of christian is wrong and e x clusive to a religion, rather than to Christ.

    I don't know what else. Those are the big ones. But again, they didn't personally teach those... Christ taught those. One Teacher.



  • thetrueone

    Not EVERYTHING they taught is wrong.

    There are valuable appreciative aspects in all religious faiths once you look inwardly at them as a whole.

    Of course they (JWS) have got some things right over religious faiths as well they've got some things wrong, that goes without

    saying. Thats has to be acknowledged and accepted in all religious organizations.

    Since religions are guided and structured by men alone is this surprising, not really.

  • poopsiecakes

    Throw enough darts and you'll hit a bullseye eventually. The WTS flailing around making wild speculations over the course of their history and getting some things right or right adjacent is simply working with the laws of probability.

  • 00DAD

    Ok cofty, start begging!

  • caliber

    "Faith, in the religious sense of the word, refers to maintaining belief in something for which there is insufficient evidence to justify holding the belief. Where the evidence is sufficient, we have no need for faith. But when we want to believe something for reasons other than because the evidence warrants our doing so, faith enters the equation"~~~ Ben Stein (I believe)

    "faith" is often used as a substitute for "hope", "trust" or "belief".

    So needing "absolute proof "would undermine the whole concept above !

  • 00DAD

    Um, I think a few of you are missing my point when I said, "Not EVERYTHING they taught is wrong."

    I'm no apologist for the WTBTS. But I've noticed a trend among SOME on this forum to take the position that, "If the WT taught it, it is wrong!"

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Or, as Poopsiecakes so eloquently put it, "Throw enough darts and you'll hit a bullseye eventually."

    Personally, I'm finding it very difficult, not to mention time-consuming trying to figure out what the hell I believe since I've left the organization. But I know it's wrong and ultimately counter to personal and spiritual growth to take the easy way out and simply reject everything I ever knew just because it was a JW teaching.

  • 00DAD

    BTW, Here's something they taught this is absolutely correct:

    "Religion is a snare and a racket!"

    This of course includes the WTBTS and the organization knows as Jehovah's Witnesses.

    See, they got that one right!

  • 00DAD

    Here's another they got right:

    "No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family." - Awake, July 2009, p. 29

    Of course, it would be nice if they practiced what they preach, but the discussion was about what they TEACH, not what they DO.

  • tec

    Yeah, they actually got a lot of things right, they just don't apply those things to themselves.

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