Atheists..... throwing the baby out with the bath water ?

by snare&racket 403 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Crickets chirping...




  • sizemik

    I never had any interest in religion until collared by a smooth talking witness.

    At that point I tossed out the baby with the bathwater.

  • witnessdater

    Everyone, all of my friends here, even ones who said I have said something hateful rather than talking about specific topics, or ides, such as "belief", "atheism", Christianity", or other ideas without insulting any person, get this book, and maybe we can have a constructive conversation about the ideas within. We can only dealwith things with the knowledge that is at hand, and actually, in the end, common sense prevails. The name of the book is "Who Made God?". Fascinating read, but really fascinating if you are emplyed in the scientific field. I highly recommend it. God bless all of you.

    Any "ist" or "ity" is a belief system. It doesn't matter if you call it "religion"or not. Our belief systems shape our worldview, and our worldview shapes and changes the course of our lives, and makes meaningful, or not. Stalin laid on his deathbed, an avowed atheist, with a father and grandfather lead members of the clergy (or was it Neitzche?). Stalin though, after killing millions of his own people, raised up on his deathbed, and shook his fist at the heavens above, then laid down to take his last breath, even though he proclaimed to believe in no god. In doing so, he did not violate any principle or doctrine of atheism. Those who do what he did in the name of Christianity, no doubt, all of Christianity would scream that what they had done was not Christian at all. Strange paradox? no. They just said they were Christian, yet weren't, or did it expecting some reward in this life. Christianity doesn't give that. It gives peace of mind, and a way to cope with the undoubtable strife we all go through, rich or poor, black or white, man or woman, old or young.

  • talesin

    So if I'm a proctologist,, what is my belief system? hmmmm.....

    Just funnin' with ya, BOTR! I always thought it was 'ism' ,,,, but will take your word for it.

    Well, shoot! I just checked and the library doesn't have that title. Sounds interesting ...


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