90% of the space within an atom is dark matter

by soft+gentle 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    Dorkydood: you are not reading what i am writing. Consider this: if the density of dark matter was at the same order of magnitude as the density of an atom, the dark matter in a volume of space the size of a galaxy would be immense, enough to make all of space collapse into a black hole.

    You are mixing apples and bananas.

  • bohm

    Dorky: It is like saying air has mass, and since a supertanker contain mostly air, air must make a significant contribution towards the mass of the supertanker. It is not true,it is the iron.

    The facts you cite are right, but you combine them wrongly.

  • Twitch



    The documentary "Inside the Milky Way" which includes a bit of this simulation is rather fascinating.

  • slimboyfat

    Most of the space between JWs' ears is dark matter.

  • botchtowersociety
  • MeanMrMustard

    Well... since objects on that scale (virtual particles, perhaps) are smaller than the wavelength of any visible light, aren't these objects "dark"? :)


  • james_woods

    It is space-time-gravity cat!!!

    Run away - run away!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Dark matter, empty space, schmempty space--- facts about reality are not important if you truly love Jehovah and are completely OBEDIENT to his earthly org. And stay away from colleges. You'll be just fine.

  • 00DAD

    Nice, let's all debate on a subject that NO ONE know anything about!

    I'm sure the Brother's talk was very exciting.

    Generally speaking, JWs such Pakleds .... they think they're smart, but really they're not!


    (If you're not a fan of STNG you probably won't get this)

  • RubaDub

    90% dark matter ???

    Then 10% what ??? Maybe a "whitey" in the woodpile ???

    I can now understand the worthlessness of my college degree since they never taught us that the protons/neutrons/electrons were color coded.

    Rub a Dub

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