Scientific Proof that Evolution is NOT Scientific!

by Nicola.threeangelsmessage 200 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nicola.threeangelsmessage
    Thanks Caedes, so what do you suggest, shall I throw away the Bible, throw away the evidence that many scientists, not only Bruce Malone, who have PhDs and Masters, who have produced scientific evidence to support creation. Do you suggest I ignore these and follow your views?
  • nicolaou
    I do not know why others can't be courteous in their posts.

    You mistake derision for discourtesy. Tell you what, I'll shut up when the ignorance stops. Deal?

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    He has an undergraduate degree. A BS in chemical engineering is an entry level degree. Additionally, it doesn't make him an expert in the field of fossilization. I don't discredit his intelligence, but hardly hold him as an expert in evolution or biology.

    Lastly, he is very bias, which is evident in his publications.

  • nicolaou
    Nicola, stop following people and start following evidence.
  • Viviane
    throw away the evidence that many scientists, not only Bruce Malone, who have PhDs and Masters, who have produced scientific evidence to support creation

    So, the reality is that no one, absolutely no one, has any evidence of creationism. Zero, none. It quite literally does not exist.

    In fact, creationism asserts a supernatural event, whereas science only investigates the natural world, so it doesn't even make sense to say there is scientific proof of creation. Science cannot, by definition, investigate miracles.

    Also, please understand that you are making the same mistakes that JWs and other fundamentalist religious people make, be they Baptist or Muslim. You are confusing the things you are even talking about.

    Even IF creation were true, it has zero bearing on evolution. Evolution makes no statement or claim regarding the origin of life. It is solely and only concerned with what happened and continues to happen once life is started. The origin of life is completely separate from evolution, both of which are separate from the origin of the universe.

    Also, just because someone has a masters or PHD doesn't make them qualified to discuss things outside their field of expertise or mean anything they say in their field will necessarily make any sense. For instance, if a mathematician suddenly starts claiming 2+2=3.14159... we would know not to take that seriously because it doesn't comport with reality in any way.

  • Nicola.threeangelsmessage

    nicolaou and where do you suggest I start looking for this so-called "evidence." Shall I start in the volumes of Darwin's Theory of Evolution, in the manipulated history books, or in the false archaeological claims, or never mind all that - why don't I just ask you, as you seem to have all the answers.

  • Giordano

    Your a kind person Jwin.

    Nicola is a person who brings their junk with them. Sounding dead certain about what they believe in and not engaging in conversation is the give away.

    When a person comes on a board like this and attempts to force feed us their religious beliefs one has to expect blow back.

    Unfortunately this is not a person prepared or willing or even capable of debating their point of view instead he or she promotes a bunch of silly videos.

  • Nicola.threeangelsmessage
    Giordano, I don't recall pointing a gun to your head to watch/read my postings.
  • Viviane
    nicolaou and where do you suggest I start looking for this so-called "evidence." Shall I start in the volumes of Darwin's Theory of Evolution, in the manipulated history books, or in the false archaeological claims, or never mind all that - why don't I just ask you, as you seem to have all the answers.

    Here is a good start.

  • DJS


    Your first mistake was relying on an 'authority' whose expertise falls out of the area of their expertise. Using an authority as evidence in your argument when the authority is not really an authority on the facts relevant to the argument is a debating tactic called an appeal to authority. As the audience, (you) are allowing an irrelevant authority to add credibility to the claim being made, and you are expecting us to buy into it, which was your second mistake.

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