Anyone heard of the Galactic Federation of Light?

by venetian 36 Replies latest social current

  • botchtowersociety
  • james_woods

    Somebody found this link:

    An interesting point is that the original Heavens Gate website is still on the internet - I really think this could be an offshoot.

    It is obviously dangerous.

  • glenster
  • james_woods

    Bat. Shit. Crazy.

    I hope our original poster lady is successful in getting her brother out of this potty mess.

  • Azazel

    Wow venetian just had a quick lookie at their website G.F.O sounds alot like a blend of Hale Boopers/ Solar Templers and Scientology. Sounds like science fiction.

    im so sad for you that your brother has changed. Does he have access to firearms? Because it looks like the call has gone out some have already left the earth and others are just waiting. That has scaring implications. Would he want to help his family get on board? Just a thought, as you say he is acting completely out of his character. Hypnotic control is not to be ruled out and that could mean anything is possible. I once saw a stage hypnotist convince an accountant that 7 didnt exist.The guy countedhis fingers and came to 11 everytime as he skipped 7. Funny and amusing but it shows the potential someone can manipulate another!

    worried for you


    PS just read the section about Stareed self activation process and its copied from the same religion that Falon Dafa got their exercise energy system.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Last I heard, Heaven's Gate had one member and the People's Temple had none.

    It is difficult to recruit new members after you have 'left early'. Sad for their families, but great news for the families of their potential victims. Better than if they were still here spreading their toxic doctrines like the Dubbies.

  • elderelite

    There are really only two kinds of questions....

    Questions that we ask to seek knowledge

    And questions to confirm what we already know or believe to be true.

    You dont steve hassen, elderelite or anyone else to tell you what you already know.

  • venetian

    Hi all and thank you for your responses. I read and share your concerns with this too. Its definately bat crazy but is it dangerous?

    Azazel: PS just read the section about Stareed self activation process and its copied from the same religion that Falon Dafa got their exercise energy system.

    Thanks for this info I didn't know this, I'll investigate further.

    Anyway, here is another quote from a channeler Mike Quinsey released on the 16th Jan.

    "Now you should find that you are very much aware and able to maintain a high level of calmness in all situations even when in the midst of low vibrational energies. It is building up to a critical mass that by the end of the year will help power your going through the stargate. By this time, only those who have successfully prepared themselves will go forward and ascend"

    What I'm doing at the moment is trying to gather as much info on this group as possible, find out what they believe and if they are using any sort of subversive methods on their followers. I'm no expert in this field but my experience with JW's (JW for 21 years, da'd 4 years ago, shunned) will hopefully help me recognise the same manipulative language.

    Thank you again to any of you who can add to my research.

    Once I've got enough understanding I can then gather family members to help and approach my brother with some convincing counter arguments.

    Until I can be convincing, he won't listen to a word I say.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Its definately bat crazy but is it dangerous?


    What wll he do before or on Dec 30 2012?

    what will he do when Jan 1 2013 comes?

    "Trust in us and God that events are going to proceed as promised, and do not worry as to the timing as it will occur in a way that is exactly correct for the desired outcome. Also be assured that the end times will work out as planned, and that responsibility is ours and everything is totally prepared. There is no need to be concerned about your individual role and what will happen to you, as each of you will experience precisely what you have planned. Some of you have elected to leave the Earth early, and others will see the final year through to the end. Either way it will have been your choice, and all will ultimately leave the old Earth as you presently know it."

    Sounds like call for suicide to me.


  • AnnOMaly

    I don't know if you've come across this already or whether it will be helpful:

    Last June, somebody on a 'marriage forum' posted about his wife who had become involved:

    They get on these conference telephone calls which she has to pay to be on so they can "put things into the light" that need "healing."

    There are youtube videos, and a whole website that she is on for hours at a time.

    She went on a "spiritual retreat" to Mt Shasta area last year for 10 days and met up with these nutty folks and their leader. He's a white guy who has taken on some india-sounding name.

    She now thinks she is going to be an energy healer.

    Off her rocker for sure.

    One piece of advice was for the guy to protect his bank accounts and credit cards!

    Even if you don't like your sister-in-law, she ought to be alerted so she can watch out the family's finances aren't in jeopardy.

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