Anyone heard of the Galactic Federation of Light?

by venetian 36 Replies latest social current

  • venetian

    Hello all, Venetian here, formally known as Boyzone. I finally sussed how to download Goggle Chrome and hopefully now I can post again, yippee!

    Anyway, has anyone heard of this group or suspect that theyre a cult? I had a special visit from my older brother in his 50's (an x witness) who came without his family and he was totally convinced that there will be a mass invasion of galactic forces on 21st Dec this year. He also says we are surounded by alien craft poised to bring peace to the earth and to enlighten us with new technologies and to ascend us to a higher dimension. (sound familiar?)

    Ive googled and found their website which is full of some strange ideas to do with crop circles etc. Ive also emailed Steve Hassan but he was about to go on an intervention and couldnt give me much information except to say there could be some kind of hypnotic suggestion going on.

    Now to be honest, I dont care what my brother believes, we can all believe what we want, right? But he's changed. He used to be the jokey, happy-go-lucky one but now there's a serious demeanour about him. His wife and family didn't know that he'd visited us to tell us his beliefs, they didn't even know where he was which is out of character for him.

    When explaining his beliefs, he became quite jittery and shook with, what seemed to me, anxiety. He explained that this was due to the energies within the earth that he was now sensitive to and were coursing through him. As he tried to bring up various youtube videos on the subject, he could hardly type.

    He stayed the night and in the morning he said he'd had a message from a galactic being who told him to go to our dad. Dad was to ask for a sign and a sign will be given him. Only if dad asked for it though. (sound familiar again?)

    Since my brother left, I've been keeping an eye on the Galactic Federation website, and, along with the information in Steve Hassan's books and online, trying to work out if they fit the description of a cult.

    Does anyone here know anything about this? I'd appreciate any info you can offer as I'm worried for my brother's wellbeing and sanity, especially as the year progresses and we get closer to 21.12.2102.

  • james_woods

    This sounds a lot like the Heavens Gate people to me.

    They all committed mass suicide, hoping for an alien starship to "pick up their spirit selves" which was supposed to arrive along with the Hale-Bopp comet.

    The comet arrived, but not the starship.

    If I recall correctly, they also had a wild sci-fi looking website. They also taught their followers to castrate themselves.

  • venetian

    Hi James

    Yes thats what jumps to my mind too. It worries me that there are so many conspiracy theorists and doomsayers out there harping on about the year 2012 that I think my bro has been caught up in something and is being swept along on the false hope pinned to a date.

  • james_woods

    It sounds like he is at least on the way to being caught up in this -

    How old is your brother?

  • venetian

    He's in his 50's. A family man with 4 grown up kids, one grandchild and a demanding shrew of a wife. (I'm not a fan of hers). 3 of his kids still live at home and the wife refuses to take any keep money from them leaving my brother to support them all.

    I say this to give you an idea of the stress I think he's under.

  • venetian

    Here's a quote from one of their latest messages from the Galactic Being called SaLuSa

    "Trust in us and God that events are going to proceed as promised, and do not worry as to the timing as it will occur in a way that is exactly correct for the desired outcome. Also be assured that the end times will work out as planned, and that responsibility is ours and everything is totally prepared. There is no need to be concerned about your individual role and what will happen to you, as each of you will experience precisely what you have planned. Some of you have elected to leave the Earth early, and others will see the final year through to the end. Either way it will have been your choice, and all will ultimately leave the old Earth as you presently know it."

    This sent up a red flag with me!

  • botchtowersociety
    Anyone heard of the Galactic Federation of Light?

  • james_woods

    Some of you have elected to leave the Earth early, and others will see the final year through to the end. Either way it will have been your choice, and all will ultimately leave the old Earth as you presently know it."

    That is some seriously CRAZY shit. I would probably ask him to compare this nutjob religion with the Heavens Gate - is it different? How is it different?

    Honestly, I get the distinct impression that this is a copy-cat of the old Applewhite Heaven's Gate for 2012.

    Has he ever been suicidal outside this crazy cult?

  • botchtowersociety
    I would probably ask him to compare this nutjob religion with the Heavens Gate - is it different? How is it different?

    All Heil Bopp!

    Better intervene hard. He needs professional help.

  • james_woods
    Better intervene hard. He needs professional help.

    + one billion (with the burning heat of a billion super-novas.)

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