We know what Babylon means. What does Egypt mean?

by N.drew 69 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • james_woods

    My dear people, do all of you realize that this is exactly the sort of speculation that drove Russell, Rutherford, and especially Freddy Franz into madness?

    As Ms. N.Drew said on an earlier thread - it is time to stop the madness.

    Not the time to make up new madness.

  • N.drew

    Oppression happens to everyone. And "oppress" can not apply to Jaheshua in any way.

    op·press (-prs)

    tr.v. op·pressed, op·press·ing, op·press·es 1. To keep down by severe and unjust use of force or authority: a people who were oppressed by tyranny. 2. To weigh heavily on: Poverty oppresses the spirit. 3. Obsolete To overwhelm or crush. What does oppress people? The fear of death. The command was do not go down to Egypt. To be oppressed? Why would someone have to be told that? The Lord was crucified because the people were holding on to tradition. Tradition means handed down from the forefathers. Forefather are dead, aren't they? Egypt's preoccupation is death, isn't it? Preoccupation with death leads a person away from life. Ask the logic professor. Please. Someone who wrote a book or something. But not that one, it's stupid.

  • cofty

    Did you get a new dictionary for christmas?

  • N.drew

    I collect dictionaries. But I like google.

  • N.drew

    Don't take away my google.


    Being Cheated out of Money..

    Egypt me!..

    Ordering Goat Cheese on your Pizza..Paying for it..But..

    Not Getting it..

    Egypt me!..

    No one likes getting Gypt..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • AnnOMaly

    @ OUTLAW!

  • james_woods

    OUTLAW speaks Wibble.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    N. Drew - did you notice that John of Patmos uses the word "mystically?" When one is in grammar school, you get great grades for knowing the title of the book and the main characters' names. The first time I read Call of the Wild I loved it. If someone asked me what it was about, I'd say a dog stolen from a cuddly suburban life and taken to abuse in Alaska and forced to work for prospectors. I just reread it. Jack London was not writing about dogs. This was a revelatoin after about 40 years. Disney films don't sell b/c of the surface story.

  • N.drew

    Please, how can there be no whole? Whole what? What is there no whole of?

    And I have another question. I am sure I believe somewhat what this says. I speak wibble. Why do they say to be quessed with a revelation? Like "are you talking to me?" "Who you talking to?" "Maybe you dialed the wrong number?" "What number did you dial?"

    " I would submit that people today who believe that they are the actual target audience are the ones who are selfish. At any rate, there is an entire branch of Christian thought called Preterism, that believes your approach is utter hogwash

    "What may not Scriptures mean? The grammatical sense of words no longer suffices for interpretation; Scripture is a conundrum to be guessed - an oracle that utters ambiguous responses; and no man can be sure, without a special revelation, that he understands what he reads."

    I think this is what I sort of said - The grammatical sense of words no longer suffices for interpretation;

    Yes, I agree scripture is quessed at without a revelation.

    Why do I believe I had a revelation? Shrugs. Shrugs means I don't know. I suspect my intellectual capacity is at least a little above average. Maybe I'm just too smart for my own good? Whadayathink?

    Some of it's personal. I'm not going to share it.

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