How much longer will 1914 be preached??

by OneDayillBeFree 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • OneDayillBeFree

    Was in the city today and saw an old factory with the year of its beginning painted on the wall saying "since 1914", and thought "thats a long time ago".

    I believe the teaching of 1914 will slowly fade away and be forgotten in about 10-15years, give or take... It's seriously starting to lose its touch.

    Millions now living will never buy it...

    But since it's a hardcore doctrine of JDubbies and the Watchtower used to pinpoint the coming of Jesus(invisible), the start of the famous "last days", the 144,000 and part of the reason the Govering body have their power, they will have to find a damn good explanation and another alternative.

    Or it could just remain unchanged...

    What do you think?

  • EXMS

    I think they will be doing it for quite a long time to come honestly. They seemed to have cleverly bought themselves more time recently. Growing up, I always heard about the convention from way back when entitled, "Millions now living will never die!" They have recently changed it saying it was, "Millions now living may never die!" A huge difference if you ask me. HUGE. However, it's so subtle that not many will pick up on it. Interestingly enough though, in that Watchtower article that mentioned "MAY" and not "WILL", there is a picture from that convention. It's the famous one we all have seen countless times. Of course it's a small size so you need to look closely, but on the photo, it says "WILL" not "MAY". By doing that, they have bought themselves some more time. How much time? Who knows at this point.

  • designs

    The Bible Students were able to change the post 1914 period to mean the Last Days are part of the Millennium so expect the Wt. to follow suite.

  • cedars

    I think there's a strong case to suggest the Society may change things in 2034 (or around that year).

    See the following link:

    They published an article hinting that the 120 year period that God held off from bringing about the destruction of man in Noah's day might also be applied to our times. I think it's this reasoning that's keeping the majority of publishers quiet about 1914. I've had one elder use it on me already.

    I can't see 1914 being pushed much further beyond 2034. They will come up with something else by then, although it will take some real mental gymnastics to believe whatever the new doctrine is.


  • jwfacts

    The Seventh Day Adventists still hold to some of their 1800's chronology. I had a newly converted teenager come to my door sprouting off about 1874 etc. So I guess they can have it as a doctrine, just refer to it less, for decades more. They don't really need the 1919 doctrine either. They have always said that the Slave has extended since Jesus, so just have to say that the GB is the current incarnation of that. I know, it sounds crazy to accept any of that nonsense, but people do and will continue to. People join on emotional whims most of the time, a desire to "live forever in paradise with a pet lion", of a need for ready made friendships. They can easily dismiss the lack of logic of it all.

    EXMS - They have recently changed it saying it was, "Millions now living may never die!" A huge difference if you ask me. HUGE. However, it's so subtle that not many will pick up on it.

    The interesting thing about that is Rutherford originally said MAY never die and then changed it to WILL never die. The Watchtower just prefers to quote the word "may" for obvious reasons.

    Here is what really will happen in the new system with lions.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    @EXMS as jwfacts said, the theme was in actual fact BOTH versions... so don't get too excited about that point. They just choose to spin it according to the needs of any article quoting the theme of choice.

    The Generation game change has bought them some extra breathing space so they have some time to come up with something else when it grows stale.

    Personally I dont think they can ditch 1914 ever as the whole religion and the GB status as Gods channel is tied to it.... come 2035 or thereabouts then I think the religion will implode much like it did in 1916. It will live on, just changed fundamentally.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I thought they might ditch the 1914 date -- until the DC this past summer. They did not back away frm 1914, in fact "How happy we were to be almost 100 years into Christ's millenial reign!" there's the spin.

  • nicolaou

    Don't fall for the hype that the WT is 'tied' to 1914. They can change or dump any damn doctrine they like and 95% of JW's will just swallow it and carry on. There are NO sacred cows.

    An Apostate Myth

  • TD
    They published an article hinting that the 120 year period that God held off from bringing about the destruction of man in Noah's day might also be applied to our times. I think it's this reasoning that's keeping the majority of publishers quiet about 1914. I've had one elder use it on me already.

    The JW's are capable of anything, so there's zero point in arguing about what they might do. The 120 year thing would surprise me though, because it's incompatible with the Great Crowd doctrine in its present form and the math doesn't add up.

  • james_woods

    It will probably never go completely away, but the idea of the 1914 generation seeing the end will continue to be diluted even past the "overlapping generations" and that vital element of the 1914 prophecy will be forgotten.

    Most witnesses today think that 1914 was just the beginning of the end and that WW1 is the proof of that. They have no idea that Jesus was supposed to be present visibly and the witnesses had to change it to "invisibly present", no idea that 1914 was an extension of 1874, no idea about 1919, etc.

    They just remember 1914 and WW1.

    The end will always be just around the corner.

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