My father is dying

by peridotgreen 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • peridotgreen

    My father, who has Alzheimers, is dying now (he's 85). I saw him today - he weaves in and out. Hasn't recognized me for a long time but was usually glad for the company. Today, he just wanted to sleep. I held his hand and thanked him for the gifts he gave me. Once in a while, he smiled with his eyes closed.

    I'm so glad I don't believe in the Witness' doctrine about death: That, because he was not a JW, he wouldn't be resurrected. That his eternity would be an eternity of nothingness. What kind of a God would do that to one of his creations?

    I believe that we have souls that live on. And on and on and on. God gave us life because he loves us and he will never take our eternal life away.

    I am happy to think that he will be with my mother (gone 31 years now) and his mother and brother and step-father.

    I'm sad to lose him, so very very sad, but happy to know that he will live on.

    After I was DFed, I had no beliefs for many years. It felt like crap. But once I read Neale Donald Walsch's Home With God In A Life That Never Ends, I was so comforted I wept tears of joy. I can't say I ever did that as a JW. All I ever felt as a JW was a tremendous sense of guilt and burden.

    Daddy, I love you. Go in peace.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I'm sorry that your father is dying, but I'm glad to hear you have been able to find peace about it.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Sorry to hear your news.

    BTW, the WT teaches that those that die before Armageddon do get resurrected.



  • TOTH

    I'm sorry that his race is coming to an end. I send hopes and positive thoguhts to you.

  • N.drew

    God bless you!

  • PaintedToeNail

    I'm sorry about your father, but glad you've found peace in your mind.

  • jwfacts

    I am sorry to hear about your father, it is a sad time.

    I'm sad to lose him, so very very sad, but happy to know that he will live on.

    As a JW I was led to believe only JWs had any satisfying hope for death. Yet it is really the opposite. The concept of immortality is far more comforting.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I'm glad that you've found peace. It sounds like your dad has too.

  • ex360shipper

    Even though I was raised in the "truth" and pioneered and went to bethel I never could accept the JW's view on them being the only ones God would show love too.

    Cherish the memories of your Dad before he had this affliction and trust in your faith. Your post makes me a little teary-eyed remembering my own loved ones. {hugs}

  • peridotgreen

    Sorry to hear your news.

    BTW, the WT teaches that those that die before Armageddon do get resurrected.




    Interesting, because *I* was told that if one rejected the Witnesses during the time of the end, he/she would not be resurrected. And those telling me that were extremely smug about it.

    Why, oh why, did I ever get baptized into this disgusting religion?

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