A PRACTICAL campaign to inform, educate and PERHAPS assist in releasing YOUR FAMILY and friends. Would you support it?

by nicolaou 68 Replies latest members private

  • nicolaou

    And only seven years later it's ready! This project is so late it's swung past comical, beyond farce and into folklore but on Christmas Day it goes live. Simon has kindly agreed to me resurrecting this old topic for context and to create a new one for ongoing discussion - I'll create that over the weekend and limit my promotion of the new site to that one topic.

    In brief, the new site at www.apostat.es will provide a few free tools to help us reach out to the Jehovah's Witnesses we still care about. Podcasts can be hosted for free, as can blogs and articles. You can create your own store to sell your apostate tee shirts, posters calendars etc.

    Importantly, I'd like to show JW's that apostates are normal, healthy folks who simply changed their minds about their former beliefs. We aren't 'mentally diseased' or under Satan's control. So build your own profile, your own groups, create your own meet-up events and show your family and friends who you really are and what they're missing.

    I still passionately believe in the postcards and now have everything in place to supply you with postcards printed to your design from a penny a card. You are of course free to use any print service you like.

    So why post this now when the site won't launch until Xmas. Well it's a nice, shiny place but rather bare so I'm asking for help from any content creators who'd like early access to the site in order to start adding articles, podcasts, postcards and other products.

    If you visit the site now you'll see a 'Coming Soon' page with a few screenshots of the site and it's various features. You can get in touch with me there or here to request early access.

    I don't know whether apostat.es will take off or not but I'm glad I finally got it sorted, thanks for taking the time to read this.



  • Simon

    Cool site name and awesome intro presentation - wishing you lots of success!

  • nicolaou

    Thanks Simon, that means a lot.

  • Simon

    Launching it on Christmas day is a nice subtle touch ... "we canz do Christmas now!"

    I added a post in the links section based on your post above and can update it with whatever listing info you want when you've launched.

  • Diogenesister

    Fantastic Nicolau. I mean really great.

    Just thought I’d say I think Dubstepped “Shunned” podcast would make a fantastic addition to the site. It’s probably one the the number one issues amount apostates so I think it would be ideal. What do you think? What does Dubstepped think?

    A Christmas Day opening would be ideal for any lonely apostates. How about hosting a “Discord server” chat for the lonely apostates on Christmas Day, too?

  • fastJehu

    @ nicolaou

    I can help translating into german language - if you want.
    You have a PN with the german subtitel-texts for your intro.

  • carla
  • nicolaou

    Thanks for the input guys. I have chat ready Diogenesister, no worries there.

    Got your translation fastJehu, much appreciated.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    This looks AWESOME and looks to be a great resource, in addition to this site and other wonderful, informative, helpful sites.

    Thank you! Merry christmas!!

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