Our latest "Gee it's great not to be a JW" moment. Share yours!

by Open mind 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • N.drew

    I am happy I can learn yoga with a good conscience.

  • Quendi

    As others have said, I have had many moments since I left the organization which have allowed me to enjoy my new freedom. I celebrated both Thanksgiving and Christmas for the first time in nearly forty years. And I am working on a science-fantasy novel that involves the use of "magic" and other "demonic" activities the WTS condemns. The greatest freedom of all has come with adopting my "live and let live" philosophy. It has lifted a tremendous burden from my shoulders and allowed me to walk my own spiritual path. I still love God and have a deep respect for the Bible, but both are being enjoyed without the strait-jacket religion of the WTS.



  • Phizzy

    I have suddenly found that people who are not JW's are wonderful, thinking, caring,educated individuals, yes individuals, with their own ideas and values, arrived at by observation and experience in the real world.

    Such people are a joy to befriend, and to accompany through life.

    Gee, it's great not to be a JW !

  • jwfacts

    On the weekend I poured my 3.5year old son and myself a drink. He raised his glass, clinked it against mine and said cheers. Rather than having to explain to him how it was wrong to do that, that it is a pagan customer to scare away dead souls etc etc I was able to revel in a beautiful father-son moment in wonderment the he even knew to do that when he is so young.

  • Magwitch

    A couple of years ago my teenage daughter confided in me that she and her boyfriend had sex (1st time for both of them). I was so relieved that I did not have an obligation to repeat that information to anyone. There was no need for group confessions, tears, shame, embarrassment etc. I could concentrate on whether the proper birth control was used and not worry whether she was going to be labeled and shunned.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Leaping into the air at rock concerts. Paul. The Who. Stones. Dylan, Clapton.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Great, freeing, moments from everyone here!

    jwfacts: "He raised his glass, clinked it against mine and said cheers."

    The recently (2 years ago?) reinforced toasting ban in the QFR was one "wake-up call" for my wife. As we read the QFR we were SURE that the WT was going to ease up on it just like they did on pinatas. We, and several other local JWs, were blown away by the blatant self-contradiction within the article itself.

    We've been having fun with glass clinking around extended JW family. At the start of a dinner, one of us will just raise our glass and make eye contact with another JW relative. About 50% have just automatically raised their glass too and actually extended it for a "clink". The rest have refrained. Some quietly, some very vocally.

    It's all good fun now.



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hmmm, would it be inappropriate for my to say that my latest "Gee it's great not to be a JW" moment was...

    ...instead of going to the KH on a meeting night, I got laid?

    I hope I don't "stumble" anybody with that comment.

  • Goshawk

    The attendant smiled and let me know that it was almost over. It felt good to help. But, even more than that was the satisfaction of not feeling tainted by the hypocritical edicts of an elitist control group. It had bothered me for years that as part of a group we were allowed to benefit from effort and technology of others but forbidden to contribute to the same effort.

    The attendant pulled the needle from my arm and had me hold a cotton ball against the vein.

    As I put on my jacket to leave I admired the deep red, plastic bag and thought to myself, “I hope it helps someone in need.”

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    WHOO - HOOO!!

    Hats off to Billy the Ex and Goshawk!!

    Gettin' laid and giving blood.

    Way to go, both of you!


    p.s. Really enjoyed Goshawk's way of relating his experience.

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