Our latest "Gee it's great not to be a JW" moment. Share yours!

by Open mind 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • QuestioningEverything

    I, too, have many to choose from but this is one that makes me smile. When my son was accepted at a university and we went up there for the 'orientation'. It was exciting to hear about dorm rooms and campus activities that he would be able to participate in. He is getting to have the normal life that me and his dad weren't able to.

    And that makes me smile big time!!

  • its_me!

    Listening to music that is not WTS approved. Getting a degree instead of pioneering. Going to play cards or other games with friends rather than going to the hall on a Tuesday night. Having a lazy Saturday morning, then getting out and going for a hike or to visit family. Laughing at my ex-husband when I am having coffee with my sister in law, and he drives by the coffee shop while out in field service and gives me a condescending, smug, "I am better than you" look through the window of a Buick. The list goes on and on....

  • punkofnice

    When 2 elders (former BOE colleagues), came to tell me I was DA'd I told them: 'I don't care. I do not recognize you or the watchtower business as having any authority over me!'

    There was silence and the sidekick elder had that 'rabbit in the headlights' look.

    When the 'lead' elder told me the 'organization'(TM) WASN'T a business I told him: 'This is my property that you are trespassing on and as such I can have any opinion I want. I however, don't have to listen to yours on my own property!'

    There was silence and the sidekick elder...........well you know!

  • cantleave

    Buying a Demonic looking Gargoyl and putting on our front step, our JW scarer.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Just last week I was shopping with my hubby and SIL. There were three girls walking and I heard one say well he is an elder just not on the some kind a committee... they were talking about FS and looking for FS shoes. I watched from a distance and realized how dull they were and robot like. I thought about saying something but knew that would embarrass my family. It was nice to not be looking for FS shoes

  • truth_b_known

    There are so many. One of the more recent ones was coming home from work on Halloween. My two boys had gone trick-or-treating for the first time. My wife told me that my youngest said, "Mom, people really like me!"

  • BluesBrother

    Gee it's great not to be a JW - when :

    You can go to the shops and have a coffee, or not? , on a freezing Saturday morning when the rest of them are going out in F/S

    You do not have to miss the best T V because it is aired on a Tuesday or Thursday evening ( O K , we have recorders now but back in the day it always worked that way)

    You see the local congo waiting for their coach to the Summer District Convention, in their jackets and ties, anticipating an uncomfortable day...

    & to show that this is nott entirely material -

    To be able to consider anything and reach a conclusion without looking up the W/T index like a talmud , to check what "The Society" had to say about it and then follow that..

    To be able to express my own views, (outside of the dubland anyway) and stand by them without having to defend those views of the WTS.......

  • WTWizard

    I now listen to whatever music I feel like, without having to worry about whether it is bad or not. If it fits, I listen to it.

    Seeing Christmas decorations is no longer something to dread. Nor do I dread a month of solid Christmas music. Rather, I actually enjoy the songs. And I can appreciate putting up Christmas and Halloween lights without any guilt. Before, seeing them would be uncomfortable because enjoying them would be viewed as sin.

    No more do I have to worry about getting ready for a boasting session. When it is Tuesday evening, I simply go on my usual business without a stop to waste 3 hours at the Kingdumb Hell. The same for Sunday morning. And no more getting ready every damn Wednesday and Friday morning so I can waste the whole morning in field circus, worrying about some ugly men on the other side of the door trying to do something on me (whether it be hitting up on me, mooching money, or wasting my time) and the hounders insisting that I need to abide by it to win him into the cancer.

    No more worrying about clothing being "appropriate for the ministry". I got too many "gifts(??)" of rubbish suits from witlesses so I could wear them to boasting sessions and in field circus, most of which are now in the rubbish. Also, I have plenty of good quality clothes (casual clothes at that) that are not acceptable for going to boasting sessions or in field circus with.

    And the Internet has enlightened me more than any Washtowel littera-trash. Even if there is some rubbish online, at least it isn't 100% rubbish like the Washtowel littera-trash and rags.

  • ~Question With Boldness~
    ~Question With Boldness~

    It was a delayed reaction... I had been out for two years, married to my husband, living life, enjoying it... But the truly liberating moment was at my sister's graduation. When time came for the pledge, my husband stood, saluted the flag and said the pledge. I don't know why something so simple did it for me, really hitting me with what exactly freedom was, the price and responsibility it comes with... I was so proud, I am so proud.... Happy I could stand there next to him, and say the pledge, with no guilt or fear. Proudly, in total freedom. Its great not to be a JW...

    I have alot of these but this one made me really stop and reflect. Some others that have happened recently,

    Living in Korea for a year, with all the experiences that go with that. Would I have ever been able to do that as a Witness? A - Woudln't be married to an army guy and B - if i did come as a Witness I'd be too busy peddling to take anything in...

    Taking Christmas toys and food to an orphanage. Charity in general I think, whether its for soldiers, the homeless, elderly, orphans, right on down the list.... You just don't DO that as a Witness.

    Helping to organize Christmas parties. I've done this a couple of times with the FRG for the unit, and every time we have had a BLAST! Life is so much more fun and enjoyable than it was as a Witness...

    Everytime I dress up for church knowing I don't HAVE to.

    Everytime I go to church and there is actual EMOTION not programmed, robot responses.

    No literature in church, jsut the bible.

    Everytime I sleep in on Saturdays... No field service!

    To all of these and more. "Its great not to be a JW!!!!"

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks to everyone for all the additional "Non-JW moments"!


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