by Terry 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    I Liked that


  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Very good job, Terry. Will PM you next week after you've woke up from your nap...


  • Terry

    I fell asleep at ten p.m. and woke up at 5 a.m. This New Year thing may be over-rated.

  • Phizzy

    I saw the NY in, it is over rated ! a bit of fun though, Happy NY anyway Terry, and thanks for the Interview.

    Being a thicky, always in need of explanations, I did not quite understand the last bit. ? please ?

  • Larsinger58

    Ask a crack addict if he'd like to live forever? If you have an addiction and enjoying it, "forever" is one day too short.

    What to do if you lived forever?

    Well placed on this planet say with 4 billion people who are no longer procreating and who are "like the angels" meaning they are androgynous sexually, it occurs to me before you get bored and want to throw in the towel that you'd want to live at least one in every home in the entire world to experience that experience. Further, you'd want to meet and have sex with every other person on the planet to say you know "everybody." So if a computer program arranged for you to live with every other person on the planet for a year, in a different place on the planet so you could experience living every place, and this took place every other year, then it would take 8 billion years just to meet everyone on the planet. The perfect mind would have the capacity to remember who everybody is.

    So after 8 billion years, if you're bored after that, you might want to start a new world somewhere. So you and one other person would convert back to two sexes and be transplanted to some new earth and start everything all over again. It won't be quite the same because children would potentially be eligible for eternal life if they past the test. The universe is a big place, it might take several billion years to populate it.

    So, the people who think living forever is "boring" are not the ones that are going to be selected. People who like drugs and sex will have a great time.


  • sizemik

    So after 8 billion years, if you're bored after that, you might want to start a new world somewhere. So you and one other person would convert back to two sexes and be transplanted to some new earth and start everything all over again . . . Lars

    So you're saying I have to go 8 billion years without a root . . . and I have to spend one of those years at your house. It aint gonna happen bud.

    And you call that "a good time" for those who like sex and drugs?

  • Terry

    Being a thicky, always in need of explanations, I did not quite understand the last bit. ? please ?

    Have you had to pick out a shirt or tie to wear to a special occasion?

    You make your choice and go home and show it to your wife. She hates it!

    The next time...you take your wife along and SHE makes the choice.

    You hate it!

    If you wear the shirt YOU like and the tie SHE likes; you both hate it. Or, grin and bear it. Barely.

    It isn't the CHOICES we make that creates discord and unhappiness. It is TRYING to PLEASE others that gets us in trouble.

    GOD has been made the "final arbiter" so that we escape personal responsibility for our actions.

    When we screw up it is "original sin" we inherited. See? Not really OUR fault!

    God will grant us King's X if we say the magic word: "Jesus".

    We get to discriminate against gay people because God does.

    Getting people to agree with your own prejudices only works if you all have the same PREJUDICES and ENEMIES.

    Religion and the bible are a great source authority to bind those people together!

  • MeanMrMustard

    Good thread! Thanks for the read Terry, it was enjoyable. You have my thumbs up!


  • Terry

    A friend of mine, a practicing Catholic, really took offense. He asked me why I don't believe in god!

    I told him the Interview was WITH god.

    That didn't seem to matter.

    All it takes to get people to fight each other is to mention "God" "religion" or the "bible".

    Very instructive, I would say.

  • dark angle
    dark angle

    Vey good Terry!

    should we canonize this account?

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