Please can we all have a go at describing and celebrating our different NEW IDENTITIES, versus our OLD WBTS IDENTITY?

by Fernando 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fernando

    At one time most of us here identified as JWs who follow the WBTS GB/FDS who claim to follow the Bible etc. Some of us are journeying to a new identity, others may feel they already have a new identity.

    Although we likely have gone in many different directions, we share a common past which only ex-members can really understand and explain. Please could we each respectfully share and celebrate our unique perspectives of where we have come from, and where we each are now at on this journey?

    I'll take a first stab in the next post below:

  • Fernando

    Here is how I understand my own journey:

    Old identity: RBNS (Religious But Not Spiritual).

    New identity: SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious).

    Although I always had concerns (even as a 3rd generation born-in) it remained difficult to really put a finger on it until the end of 2005 when the lights started coming on. Until mid 2009 when I walked out for good, I still naively believed that the WBTS was somehow legitimate but just in need of reform.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    OLD - Brainwashed religious depressed mind

    NEW- Agnostic freethinking happy mind

  • designs

    OLD- A frustrated environmentalist

    NEW- A Liberated Tree Hugging Environmentalist

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Ooh, I like this:

    OLD - born-in-between two worlds (father opposed) thought I was thinking "outside the box"

    NEW - just busted "the box 'outside the box'" wide open! Do not believe in a supernatural world, but am a spiritual person in that I see beyond the surface.

  • Morbidzbaby

    OLD~ Judgemental, black and white thinker, caught between a believing mother and an unbelieving but yielding father (he yielded to my mother on matters of religion and how to raise us), subjugated, scared to express an opinion, obedient to my "head".

    NEW~Open-minded, free-thinking, dominant in most areas (won't get into where I'm submissive ), freely exchanging thoughts and ideas without fear of repercussions, I ask no one for permission to be myself, I am not blindly obedient (I discuss matters and decide whether or not they are agreeable to me), I have no "head"...I have an equal partner who wants my input on decisions as much as I want his.

  • ziddina

    O - KAY!!!

    This sounds like a fun thread!!!

    brb - trying to get over a cold and want to throw some fresh garlic in the chicken stock that I'm heating on the stove...


  • NCO

    Old: Fearful of eternal death for not conforming in every little detail to cultish group-think. Fearful of individuality and creativity. Never willing to stand up for the outsiders and black sheep. Cared more for the organization than for those who actually comprised the rank and file.

    New: Gladly listen to all sides of every issue and make up my own mind. Not afraid to be the first to suggest something new and unorthodox. Willing to give my life to protect everyone, even those who aren't JW's, when their rights and lives are threatened. Know that every organization has some truly idiotic jacked up soup sandwiches in leadership positions and after the JW's I am no longer afraid to stand up for those affected by their jacked-upedness even when it could cost me a stripe or promotion.

  • freshstart

    Old - Scared, judgmental, unhappy and seriously fucked in the head from all the WT propaganda

    New - FREE, HAPPY

  • Botzwana

    OLD- Losing money like CRAZY! I.E. Throwing away DVD´s or VHS because they were ¨wrong¨ Then going out the next month and saying that I could still view it only to throw it away again because of a WT article....Burned through many a copy of Friday the 13th for that...Being depressed about Armaggeddon all the time...Judgemental etc. Losing $35,000 to a sister because I thought we could trust ones with our lives in the truth, brothers doing NOTHING to help me in that matter. She is still a ¨faithful¨ sister today. Never has she been counseled to pay me back etc.....Giving the CO money etc. Not having any worldly books, never getting self help books or how to books because Jehovah would have ¨taken care of us¨....Never working before because Dad supported me being a pioneer. Would never defend myself if attacked. Again Jehovah would have ¨protected¨ me....

    NEW- Holding onto money. Not throwing away things at all. Keeping my F13s! Not even giving money to bums anymore. Am free. Faded pretty successfully. Getting books I never would have gotten before. Getting selfhelp AND how to books. Am loving them! Experiencing the working world by opening up my own bar. It has been wonderful to see my creation come to life. Been over a year since I have stepped foot inside a kingdom hall. Think about self defense all the time. Exploring the survival boards and really getting into it. I have released my inner redneck.

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