by strymeckirules 123 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • seenitall

    "She's a COW - Circuit Overseer's Wife"

    "SAD Speaker"

    "Special Assembly Day"

    "Speaking the Pure Language"

    "We have done all the research for you - don't study anything but the publications"

    "Trust the Slave"

    "The Organization is our Mother"

    "Jesus is the Archangel Michael"

  • Azazel

    "elders decisions mirror Jehovah" (channeling is spiritism ?) Now i understand what they really mean is they mirror the WTS"Jehovah" the god in whom they really trust!

    "God loves a cheerful giver" so be cheerful and give and give till it hurts. They pass the verbal plate regularly now in KHs.

    "reaching out" what? dry


  • lilbluekitty

    "make the truth your own"

    "the light keeps on getting brighter"

    "the end is so close i can feel it"

  • strymeckirules

    "we will miss you at arrmaggeddon/resurrection"

    "won't it be great to talk to noah in paradise?"

    "the heavenly hope" "the earthly hope" "partakers/observers"

    "bible trained conscience"

    "love and greeting from the whatever congregation"

    "do we want to send our love and greeting with bro so and so?"

    "no blood medical directive card"

    "jw wore the purple triangles in the holocaust"

  • ScenicViewer

    Why did I wait til today to click on this thread? These are hilarious. Here are a few more.

    -- Never say you were ‘lucky’. It means you worship the god of good luck. Say you were 'fortunate.'

    -- Really enjoyed your fine comment brother.

    -- What a fine example you are setting for the congregation.

    -- The preaching work is a 'separating' work, we have to find the God's sheep.

    -- Millions Now Living Will Never Die

    -- This old system can’t last another year. (Been saying that one for about 130 years.)

  • stillin

    "beneficial information"

    "godly qualities"

    "theocratic order"

    "attitude of gratitude"

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    "When you walk into a Kingdom Hall....you can feel the Love"

    "Are you keeping up with your Personal Study?"

    "Are you keeping up with your Family Study?"

    "Brother Charlie.....could we meet with you real quick in the Library?"

    "Isn't that a Worldly Attitude?"

    "Wasn't that Rated R?"

    Maybe not Cliches ....but I remember these alot....

  • peridotgreen

    About this whole "don't say lucky, say fortunate"....

    Uh - I guess they never heard about the Goddess Fortuna.

    Fortuna (equivalent to the Greek goddess Tyche ) was the goddess of fortune and personification of luck in Roman religion . She might bring good luck or bad: she could be represented as veiled and blind, as in modern depictions of Justice , and came to represent life's capriciousness. She was also a goddess of fate : as Atrox Fortuna , she claimed the young lives of the princeps Augustus ' grandsons Gaius and Lucius , prospective heirs to the Empire. [1]


  • NVR2L8

    Let's show our appreciation for the FDS for providing this spiritual food at the right time...

    ___________________is no longer a Jehovah's Witness

  • no_h8_in_my_heart

    When we'd be out door to door we'd look at random houses and go "I wouldn't raise my chickens in that house after the battle".

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