Who designed cancer?

by snare&racket 148 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    Here's a thought. It appears God didn't think all these laws through too well. On the one hand, he decided to ban men having sex, yet he set up a situation where men constantly had to look at each others dicks to make sure they were Israelites.

    No wonder he had to hand down the law not to go around "handling" each others mansticks. I can imagine that there were lots of cases of guys that had known each other their entire life suddenly needing to "check" each other. I mean, all those shepards out in the field, handling their staffs all day, mostly teenage boys getting lonely, all the sudden young Benjamin ain't so sure that Elihu over there really IS an Israelite. He needs to check his dick, make sure that it's a full on 100% Israelite penis. And you know, just to be DOUBLE sure, he might need to check again that night when they bed down with the sheep and goats. And again the next morning.

  • Vidqun

    I did not say go and mutilate babies. I said learn from others. Yes, I do believe in the Creator, and that he is the Boss (cf. Rev. 4:11). What he says, goes. That's my privilege. You can believe what you want, I will not judge you. But be tolerant and respect what others believe. You will see you will go through life a different person. Especially as a person that works with people, e.g. somebody working in a medical field, one needs to show empathy and respect. One encounters people with unusual beliefs, and if you degrade and betittle, you will do more harm than good.

    God said that he is going to make all things new (2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1). I believe him. For him to do that he must get rid of all existing structures and organizations, including that of the Witnesses. And I believe a lot of people, "which no man was able to number," (definitely not only seven million) are going to be saved "from all nations and tribes and people and tongues." God has appointed his Son to do the judging and I will go along with that, whether I make it or not. I will hold on to that belief until I am convinced otherwise. So far I have heard a lot of abuse, which will not make me change my position.

  • EntirelyPossible

    I did not say go and mutilate babies.

    No, your God did. Don't you support your God?

    I said learn from others.

    You have that opportunity. Please use it.

    But be tolerant and respect what others believe.

    Sure, as long as you are accurately representing others and not spreading stupidity and lies.

    By the way, did those babies that had the dicks cut open have the chance to respect their parents God and consent or did they just get cut up because Pedo-Sky Daddy loves him some baby soft fresh out of the mom baby penis parts?

    Just asking as I wonder who respected their right to decide if they wanted to cut off part of their penis.

    Especially as a person that works with people, e.g. somebody working in a medical field, one needs to show empathy and respect.

    You don't get respect, you EARN respect. I don't respect willfull stupidity. Being nice isn't the same as respect.

    One encounters people with unusual beliefs, and if you degrade and betittle, you will do more harm than good.

    I dunno, I feel pretty good.

    So far I have heard a lot of abuse, which will not make me change my position.

    Apparently neither will facts or reality. Good luck.

  • cofty

    But be tolerant and respect what others believe

    That's where I have a problem. I respect people regardless of their personal beliefs but I will not respect the risible things they believe.

  • Vidqun

    EP, obviously you are referring to the Jews. Overall, I think, they did quite well for themselves, overcoming serious adversity. They are a clever people, with some brilliant academics in their midst. I am sure their belief system had something to do with it. You can name a lot of famous people, and the Jews are well represented in all fields. Why are they so successful? One reason is the Rabbi (i.e., the intellectual) vs. the merchant (the business man): In this system the Rabbi's son marries the merchant's daughter and vice versa. This results in a healthy genetic mix, which help them excell in most things they do. You don't have to go along with their religious believes, e.g., circumcision. You also don't have to condone the way they treat the Palestinians. Make no mistake, we can learn a lot from them. But I think I am digressing and have lost the thread somewhat.

  • EntirelyPossible

    EP, obviously you are referring to the Jews.

    Ah, yeah, you probably shouldn't presume you know who I was obviously referring to. At least, not unless you know your Bible. God was demanding that baby penis long before there were Jews.

    Overall, I think, they did quite well for themselves, overcoming serious adversity.

    So did Neandethals. What's your point?

    They are a clever people, with some brilliant academics in their midst. I am sure their belief system had something to do with it. You can name a lot of famous people, and the Jews are well represented in all fields.

    You were also sure that babies had their own strong antobodies at 8 days old.

    BTW, did I mention I am Jew? Don't presume to lecture me on my own people. Jews also, if you believe the Bible, committed some of the most atrocious acts in history. All this proves is that they are just like everyone else.

    One reason is the Rabbi (i.e., the intellectual) vs. the merchant (the business man): In this system the Rabbi's son marries the merchant's daughter and vice versa. This results in a healthy genetic mix, which help them excell in most things they do.

    And this proves that not only are you ignorant of genetics, but that you are again being stupid here when I have specifically requested that you be stupid somewhere else.

    However, allowing for this one sentence that you are right (not that you are), you just said I was superior to you. Bow, miscreant, learn and worship at my feet. And get me a beer.

    You don't have to go along with their religious believes, e.g., circumcision. You also don't have to condone the way they treat the Palestinians.

    I don't really need you to tell me what I can and can't do, especially since, in your world, I am superior to you. Have you bowed yet?

    Make no mistake, we can learn a lot from them.

    You could learn a lot from a 6th grade science book.

    But I think I am digressing and have lost the thread somewhat.

    You never had the thread.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I guess this has been an "educate Vidqun" thread rather than proper discussion. (Back on thread) You mentioned in response to me that you believe in adaptation but not in evolution and you see evidence of such adaptation (superbugs etc.) but can't believe this contributes to evolution. This is exactly what evolutionary science IS - you have a bunch of tiny adaptations that eventually make a species evolve into another (over a really long period of time - millions of years). Superbugs for example are sometimes entirely new subspecies that have their own category in nomenclature.

    Off course we're going to be missing steps as those in-between steps disappear (millions died in the last 1000 year but we only have a few hundredthousand full skeletons preserved). Also, not every change is necessarily beneficial but over time they eventually get drowned out by other more succesful changes or not if other natural or artificial processes mess with the environment.

    The rest of your rants: Circumcision is entirely unnecessary except for certain medical conditions (such as phimosis) in which case there are alternatives to full circumcision. And the science that says it helps against STD's has been debunked several times as simply bad studies. One of the studies gave condoms and proper education to the circumcised group and nothing whatsoever to the control group and then compared them. Other groups were also very small and other studies have shown no and even reverse results in other groups. It then gets repeated on TV and by idiots like Bono, it's the whole Jenny McCarthy thing over again. What it does help against is certain hygienic issues but with proper hygiene these things are alleviated so you're back to considering the side effects (which can be quite severe and have lead to sepsis and death) and you would also have to consider the impact it has on sex life later as the sensory properties of the organ are severely diminished. Also, are you talking about full circumcision or several other options there?

  • Vidqun

    AM, that's the problem with your argument, the "millions of years" part. That is why you can't prove your theory. For that you need "millions of years." So scientific method won't help you there . You can't reproduce the experiment. As far as I know superbugs remain what they are, e.g. MRSA, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas,etc. If you know of a case where they have jumped the species barrier, please enlighten me. As I have said before, my textbooks are old and out of date.

    I personally don't go for circumcision either, unless it's recquired medically. If I had a son (which I don't), I would not allow him to be circumcised. But that's beside the point. That does not mean I am going to condemn or demonize Africans or Jews because they advocate the procedure.

    These people you are criticising, e.g., Bono, are doing what they can to alleviate suffering. They are doing more than you and I will ever be able to do in our lifetime. They have earned my respect.

    EP, have you ever watched the cartoon of "Courage" the dog. You remind me of the old man. All he could say was "you stupid dog". As far as I know the Neanderthals died off, so no, they did not overcome serious adversity. But all the evidence suggest there might be a few Neanderthals amongst us. An embittered Jew with an attitude, now that's a turnup for the books. That explains everything. But don't take it all out on me, I'm just an ignorant gentile. I love the thing you do with the yellow marker. I must learn to do that.

  • snare&racket

    Vid, not once have you humbly receded, despite from the very first post being proven to be talking untruths about medical information. You are as dangerous and blood guilty as the Watchtower book company and voodoo doctors. You have consistently repeated untruths and not apologised when shown truth, but changed the topic to more lies. The irony is, the only truth you have stated came from pasted material brought to us from..... Science. Your ever increasing frustration is evident as you turn to name calling and continued repeating of b.s.

    Circumsicion prevents aids...... Do you realise how dangerous comments such as this are? How are you different to the pope claiming condoms cause aids? I imagine you are very embarrassed. Don't be, this is not a competition, you want to win, we want you to pick up a book.

    Crofty, I am sincerely sorry to here your news. I hope you enjoy the holiday and wish you a recovery soon x

    P.s. if I can be of any assistance Crofty please just ask.

  • Vidqun

    S&R, seems like there is always two sides to a coin. With the circumcision thing I find myself in good company, e.g., Reuters who published the article, the WHO, the UNAids group, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, etc. Or did you miss that? Really, where have you been? See fourth post on this page. And the name calling? I wonder where that started?

    And I repeat, if you know of bacteria, that is Super bugs, jumping the species barrier, please let me know. I will look into it. Perhaps then I will change my tune. But spewing abuse and insults are not going to do the trick. And make no mistake, I'll carry on with my reading. I love reading.

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