Who designed cancer?

by snare&racket 148 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    One thing I regret, is not listening to the questions in my head whilst a JW. One I didn't ask until years after leaving was....who designed disease?

    Of course the first thing to realise is the complexity of disease, the histology, pathology and aetiology. If you wish to ignore evolution (which happens to have the full origin of disease explained: see book 'why we get sick') then you need a designer for all the disease. If you think the organs, tissues, cells of the body need design, then so do pathological organisms. Not only that, genetic disease is becoming far more understood. Once god decided that sickness and death for millennia was fair game for scrumping, he had to design the process of genetic mutation. For example, trisomy 21 or Downs Syndrome. This is a complex genetic process.

    Just how long dd the god of the bible spend designing illnesses, he must have considered the most painful, destructive means to punish men, women and children. Go visit an infant oncology ward to see how well he did.

    Of course science has the explanation of many diseases. We know that a god of the ancient Jews did not design Down Syndrome whilst fuming over the fruit incident. We know the exact Malfunction, including the reasons why some poor child is born with three chromosomes instead of two at their 21st set of 23 chromosomes.

    So I guess my question is, IF you believe god created everything, IF you now accept he designed disease and illness.... Would you really want to worship him? (ignoring the genocide, slavery, homophobia, sexism, infanticide, incest, slavery etc)

  • Vidqun

    From a Biblical persective it's not too hard to explain: With a perfect immune system, you would be able to ward off any disease. Because of imperfection you grow old and die.

    We were taught live cells (of the human body) are graveyards of viruses. When viruses replicate themselves they use our DNA/RNA. In the process, things can go wrong. One's DNA is changed or damaged. Cancer results. But an optimum immune system will keep out all bacteria and viruses. Problem solved.

    Mutations result because of faults in the DNA or RNA of our parents. When two of these faults overlap, its a disaster for the offspring. Since man chose independence from God, we have been going down hill fast. Medical Science has made great strides, but eventually we grow old and die.

    Babies are susceptible to many diseases because of underdeveloped immune systems. Old people are susceptible to many diseases because of faulty or aging immune systems. When cells are young, they flourish. When they become old they start dying off because of the "Border of Hayflick," something that could not be explained in my day. The understanding of these things might have changed. It is a long time since I studied. Only cells that I know of that do not die off, are cancer cells, i.e., when you cultivate them on growth media.

    I was always impressed by the design and working of living cells. Man has not succeeded to create even one of them, even with the most advanced laboratories. That means man can replicate but he cannot create. I know the evolutionsists will have a different take on the matter. However, the above is compatible with my Bible-based faith, so I would explain it this way.

  • raxxxx

    That's one of the problems I used to have. They say that death and illnesses are a product of our imprefection. But surely... they must have been somehow designed it BEFORE Adam and Eve ate the fruit? Or did it all just appeard out of nothing? Or is God just a sadistic dick who designed all of that and it was released so to speak as soon as they ate the fruit? And if Noah's story is true why have we got all of the diseases going around in this world if there were only 8 people on the boat? or did some of them have crabs and the clap?

  • sizemik

    Jehovah did it.

    It's in the Bible.

  • sir82
    From a Biblical persective it's not too hard to explain: With a perfect immune system, you would be able to ward off any disease.

    You've completely missed the point.

    Why would God design disease in the first place?

    That is, why would he (1) design disease, and then (2) give perfect humans the means to fight it off?

    Wouldn't it just be more efficient to not create the disease in the first place? Then humans wouldn't need to fight it off.

  • elderelite

    Let me just add my .02

    The point isnt that "perfect" men and women would have had perfect imune systems and therefore been able to fight the illness off...

    What purpose does the virus serve in the first place? If all thimgs were created, why did god create the common cold...? It came from somewhere and adam and eve eating from the tree dont explain it

  • wannabefree

    Similarly, I would often question ... why do animals grow old and die, why are they subject to disease, cancer, birth defects ... if God created animals perfectly, which he must have cuz he couldn't make something defective, why does the animal kingdom seem to have a similar punishment that mankind has?

    Also ... if blood is sacred and not to be used/consumed under any circumstances ... why would God design creatures that feed off of blood?

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    If all explanation fails, go default - Satan.

    Afterall, demonz and cheif demon Satan can create living reproductive bodies (remember them horny bastards turning up like men to take the daughters of men).

    I can see a creationist failing for the argument...

  • NomadSoul

    How do you guys explain how the banana fits perfectly in one's hand? eh?

  • wannabefree
    How do you guys explain how the banana fits perfectly in one's hand

    Or just how conveniently citrus fruits break into nice eatable pieces ... can you imagine how messy they would be if they weren't segmented?

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