The boy that visited Heaven

by PSacramento 42 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing - chalam

    Another example of the phenomenal arrogance of believers - what makes it 10 times worse is the faux humility.

  • steve2

    Scripture, JUST like the Watchtower does, seals tight its own validity and casts any questioner in the worst possible light.

    Believers theN enter into the picture and say, "Christ said we'd be persecuted and ridiculed". Hello, my friends: Does that mean no criticism is valid because of these statements? That you can believe anything even should it be foolish because Scripture said questioners would call it foolish? Sounds like the Watchtower to me: "In these last days, we expect to be ridiculed and cricitised." Meanwhile, legitimate questions are simply ignored or given patronizing acknowledgement.

    The funniest aspect is one separate group of "true" believers will say about another separate group of "true believers" : "Your beliefs are foolishness". And the other group simply says back, "Fantastic! Paul said that's what others would say about our beliefs!".

  • PSacramento

    Paul also said to TEST everything that you are told.

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
    the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”

    Ok, that makes my head spin ...does this mean that only the stupid will be left?

  • PSacramento

    Paul was saying that the wisdom and intelligence of the wise would be proven to be not that wise or intelligent.

    As with any age, the thinkers of THEIR time think that they know all that there is to know.

    The future tends to show how wrong they always are.

  • rebel8

    ok, if their motive isn't money, then it could be attention.

    If they truly wanted to prove Heaven is true, all they have to do is apply for the Million Dollar Challenge and for the first time in world history there will be proof. If their motive was to convince people, they would have done it.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Aw, what a precious video.

    Y'know, when I was teenager, I had a dream I woke up after Armageddon and saw buildings smoldering, a red sky, and lots of pretty charred hills. There were people climbing from the wreckage and helping each other out, all post-apocalypse style. It was one of my most realistic dreams ever. I was convinced Jehovah was telling me that I shouldn't masturbate if I wanted to get in. (Worked for upwards of 3 days, too)

    Chalam, would you offer me the same degree of uncritical acceptance as you do those whose description of heaven validates your own? Do you suspect my dream was generated by Yahweh himself? Or was it just the product of a subconscious mind that had been filled with religiously-colored imagery from an early age?

    I also had a number of dreams that were not entirely dry and may have been the work of Satan.

  • steve2
    the thinkers of THEIR time think that they know all that there is to know.
    The future tends to show how wrong they always are.

    You mean with the exception of the things Paul dogmatically wrote a bout? Oh, sorry, he's exempt because, despite his misogyny and air of self-promoted "humility", he cannot ever be wrong - even close to 2 millenia later. Again, a scripture that highlights the Bible's own self-validating feedback loop.

  • PSacramento

    You mean with the exception of the things Paul dogmatically wrote a
    bout? Oh, sorry, he's exempt because, despite his misogyny and air of self-promoted "humility", he cannot ever be wrong - even close to 2 millenia later. Again, a scripture that highlights the Bible's own self-validating feedback loo

    Far from that, Paul is far from expemt, as a matter of fact ANYONE claiming to speak for Christ SHOULD be scrutinized even MORE SO !

    Paul himself mentioned when his views were HIS and when they were "Of Christ", to make the distinction and he said to those he was writing to, to TEST all that they were being taught ( and not just by him).

    Paul may come off as an ass when read via the "WT glasses", but we are also talking about a guy that gave us some of the most beautiful passages about love, hope and faith every written.

    Not to get too deep into His theology but IF we are to ONLY look at the letters that are unanimously viewed as written by him directly, then you get quite the different view of Paul.

    But was he an ass at times? Yes.

    Was he hypocritical and over zelous at times? Yes.

    Aren't we all?

  • cofty

    Aren't we all?

    Yes but nobody takes what we say as anything other than an opinion. People have persecuted, killed and opressed others over Paul's bigoted rants.

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