Is this world ruled by Demons and are we?

by Mindchild 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanielHaase

    Ahhhh yes, demons. Another scare tactic of the brog. It's a shame they are not really around; I was expecting them to move right in when I left the organization. I need some buddies.

    "Brother, you better get down on your knees and pay...a thousand more fools are being born every f***ing day" -Bad Religion
  • cellomould


    you are fuckin' hilarious!!!!!


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Apparently we ARE!
    This guy has the full lowdown on the battle between "good" and "Evil" within this "Reality".

  • Sunchild

    (Rochelle reads essay, or at least part of it. Gets headache; blinks several times. Decides it's best to just keep smiling, nod, and back away slowly.)


    "I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
    -- Professor Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.

  • Mr Bean
    Mr Bean

    Mindchild wrote:

    "When I first started reading papers and books on the topics, it certainly looked plausible that there might be something really strange going on, but when I really put things to the test to see if there was anything supernatural the math always came out nil. I guess the demons must be controlling the mathematic and statistical sciences as well. There are still some unexplained events but most things I researched left me believing more in the power of the imagination vs. any supernatural power."

    Hmmm... Those attempts to measure by some devices of demonic power are sentenced to be unsuccessful before you will even start!

    Example: dowsing and pendulum. This thing is known as working and no one knows why. Every time someone is trying to perform some serious scientific tests, project fails the scrutiny.

    What is more interesting, some of users of these devices can find dead bodies by waving pendulum over... the map. And police is using these people to find dead bodies of murdered

    Try imagine, that you are an invisible demon and that you are trying to hide you identity. You are the one, who does move quia board and pendulum. Now, a group of scientists, armored with heavy duty and sophisticated equipment trying to prove that you do, or not, exist.
    You of course will try hard to misled them and... to have some fun as well. ;-P

    One thing is a fact. In fifties Russians started very extensive researches on par psychological and ghostly incidents, mainly with focus on out of body experiences and astral projections. USA intelligence had knowledge of it and USA government did the same thing. The goal was to penetrate, if possible, enemy military and political organizations in order to spy on them.

    And, BOTH parties developed protective electromagnetic fields. USA has done such protection around Pentagon.

    What they have found was never fully published.

    If these creatures don't want to be discovered, we will never be able to prove they do exist!

    IMHO, we should discard old terms like God, angel, demon etc.
    These terms were good 2000 years ago.

    Today we should use term like: ufo, et, aliens, grays, etc.
    As I have said before, I don't believe in WTS crap. However, the nearest time will prove if Revelation tells us the truth about the future or not. I think, Revelation does tell the truth.

    If USA government is cooperating with aliens (demons) and is getting some technologies from them, than is very possible that finally aliens will decide to go out from hiding and show themselves on TV.

    Than they can claim that other group of very powerful aliens from Andromeda galaxy will invade Earth for some unknown reason and we, people on the Earth should prepare to fight an attack on us from outer space.

    The famous battle of Armageddon.!

    Now this do sound realistic!?

    What is worse, the world politics seems to going right into New World Order. It is not the conspiracy theory. This is a fact and you can find more and more official information’s about NWO, UN included.

    I have done some research on these subjects. It does not mean that I do believe in all things I do read but certainly things are not looking good for us.

    We are on the verge of break of WW III and massive attack on all Muslims. That would be a start on attack on all religions.

    I've lost of faith in WTS but... I'm not jumping on the other side saying that whatever WTS has said was wrong. They maybe have guessed
    few things right and they could be still... the perfect Satan tool to mislead those ones who went to far with their researches for the truth.

    It looks for me like WTS is the perfect Satan tool. The goal is to divert our attention what is really happening and result is... whatever WTS has said is an illusion, madness.
    Demons do not exists and forget YHWH and all that crap.

    Even, if some information is correct and true, because comes from so discredited source like WTS
    Is immediately discarded and even mocked.

    There are more groups like WTS who seems to be on the same wagon.

    Another thing, how you could explain a fascination with freemasonry (pure demonism) and the fact, that the most powerful people on the world, most influential and smartest one are freemasons?

    Because it is illusion?

    The last thing.

    If aliens are using human brains and they do posses they bodies, that may looks like schizophrenia.
    It is possible, that some drugs are interrupting aliens activities and brains in such state are useless for them. Than, doctors are claiming that a drug is helping and the therapy does work.

    If I would like to invade some one body and use his brain, I would use a healthy, well functioning body, not some alcoholic or punk drug user or patient drugged to near death in a funny farm.
    If they will drug the poor bugger, I would leave and search for another one.



  • seven006

    <<<That's ridiculous. How do you explain speaking in tongues and occult based healing? >>>

    Robert are you saying that anyone who speaks gibberish is speaking in tongues and is demon possessed? If so you better stay clear of all the two year olds in your congregation!

    Occult based healing, what a joke. You are as fooled by the trickery of scam artist just as you are with your religion. You wouldn't feel safe all alone under your blankey without the fear of the boogie man.

    <<<They don't give paranoid schizophrenics LSD do they?>>>

    Again you are speaking out of your little world of expertise. What in the hell do you think LSD was crated for Robert? Dr Albert Hofmann who invented LSD did it exactly for dealing with psychotic people including paranoid schizophrenics. The drug was misused by the average druggie to open their mind and find god.

    Here is an exact quote from Dr Hofmann " "By observing natural scientific discoveries through a perception deepened by meditation, we can develop a new awareness of reality. This awareness could become the bedrock of a spirituality that is not based on the dogmas of a given religion, but on insights into a higher and deeper meaning. I am referring to the ability to recognize, to read, and to understand the firsthand revelations 'in the book written by the finger of God,' as Paracelsus designated creation." Such observations make possible "revelations of the metaphysical blueprint of creation. They reveal the unity of all things living in a common spiritual primordial basis"

    <<<"People on angel dust, for example, have been known to perform superhuman feats. I knew a skinny little guy, whom I briefly studied with years ago, who told me that he went berserk on dust one time and picked up a harley davidson and threw it on some people and then shot one man in the leg with a shotgun. I know he was telling me the truth because the polic were looking for him.">>>

    Wow I believe him too Robert, a drug addict on a little angel dust certainly wouldn't lie about it, drug addicts never lie about anything. You knew he was telling you the truth because the cops were looking for him, again "WOW" then it must be true, the cops were looking for a drug addict, that never happens very often so he must be telling you the truth!

    <<<The police dread dealing with guys that are "dusted" because they have been known to break handcuffs and sometimes it takes a half dozen cops to subdue one man.>>>

    I must have missed this stuff when I was a cop. Out of the tuns of drug addicts that I hand cuffed not one of them broke out of the cuffs. A lot of them were stupid and tried to fight us but none of them turned into superman in the middle of it. I'm just waiting for "demon possession" to become a criminal defense in the country. They'd laugh you right into the nut house.

    <<<Interestingly, there's an account in the Bible where this demon possessed guy would break the chains that people put on him.>>>

    Golly gee wizer, first you believe the word of a raving drug addict and now you quote the same kind of story from the good old bible. In my opinion, both are as believable. It's good there are suckers like you that eat this kind of crap up.

    You keep believing in your boogie men Robert, It's cute to see semi intelligent people act stupid.


  • rem

    Mr. Bean

    Hmmm... Those attempts to measure by some devices of demonic power are sentenced to be unsuccessful before you will even start!
    Example: dowsing and pendulum. This thing is known as working and no one knows why. Every time someone is trying to perform some serious scientific tests, project fails the scrutiny.
    How exactly is this “known”? Anecdotal evidence? Tall tales? Some people just have a higher standard of evidence than others do. That’s why it’s so easy to scam people – would you believe I have a bridge to sell you? There’s a sucker born every minute.

    What is more interesting, some of users of these devices can find dead bodies by waving pendulum over... the map. And police is using these people to find dead bodies of murdered Victims.
    Wow! Another amazing, unsubstantiated claim! Ever heard of the wise advice: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”? Please provide the extraordinary evidence for this extraordinary (and I might say absurd) claim.

    Try imagine, that you are an invisible demon and that you are trying to hide you identity. You are the one, who does move quia board and pendulum. Now, a group of scientists, armored with heavy duty and sophisticated equipment trying to prove that you do, or not, exist. You of course will try hard to misled them and... to have some fun as well. ;-P
    Replace the word “demon” with “Invisible Pink Unicorn”. This is circular reasoning because you have to presuppose that demons exist (the conclusion) for the premise (demons are hiding from us) to be valid – and you have not yet proven that demons exist! This is not an example clear thinking. Also of note, this theory is not falsifiable, so it is useless.

    One thing is a fact. In fifties Russians started very extensive researches on par psychological and ghostly incidents, mainly with focus on out of body experiences and astral projections. USA intelligence had knowledge of it and USA government did the same thing. The goal was to penetrate, if possible, enemy military and political organizations in order to spy on them.
    This may be a fact, but all it proves is that the government embarrassed itself by wasting millions of taxpayers dollars on ridiculous and unsuccessful projects. You are aware that the government scrapped the project after it was shown to be completely useless and no evidence was found for spirits or ESP (specifically remote-viewing).

    And, BOTH parties developed protective electromagnetic fields. USA has done such protection around Pentagon.
    Cite please… And even if this is true (which I really doubt), what the hell does this have to do with spirits? Perhaps it is a misguided attempt to shield from EMP attacks?

    What they have found was never fully published.
    Which gives you license for ample speculation.

    If these creatures don't want to be discovered, we will never be able to prove they do exist!
    Then how do you know they exist?

    Today we should use term like: ufo, et, aliens, grays, etc.
    Crazy conspiracy theorists talk of such things. They never provide evidence, though.

    As I have said before, I don't believe in WTS crap. However, the nearest time will prove if Revelation tells us the truth about the future or not. I think, Revelation does tell the truth.
    Why do you think that?

    If USA government is cooperating with aliens (demons) and is getting some technologies from them, than is very possible that finally aliens will decide to go out from hiding and show themselves on TV.
    That’s a pretty big IF!

    Than they can claim that other group of very powerful aliens from Andromeda galaxy will invade Earth for some unknown reason and we, people on the Earth should prepare to fight an attack on us from outer space. The famous battle of Armageddon.!
    Now this do sound realistic!?
    No, it doesn’t sound realistic at all.

    What is worse, the world politics seems to going right into New World Order. It is not the conspiracy theory. This is a fact and you can find more and more official information’s about NWO, UN included.
    If it’s a fact, then you won’t mind providing evidence for these outrageous claims.

    I have done some research on these subjects. It does not mean that I do believe in all things I do read but certainly things are not looking good for us.
    You should do some research on logical reasoning. You can’t seem to tell the difference between factual information and pseudoscience.

    I’ll stop here. The rest of your post was just more of the same ramblings of someone who has read just enough to be dangerous.


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • Mr Bean
    Mr Bean


    What you've displayed here is typical skeptical reasoning without single evidences. And that's what you have criticized in my post.
    We are on similar boat. But... there are evidences, witnesses, who can prove an existence of aliens (demons) but... you can't prove that they are wrong and these things do not exist.

    You can’t prove that these people are lying.

    Take a look here for some evidences:

    "We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret. This is the “smoking gun”. "

    If you interested, do some research.

    Don't ask me for evidences. These ones are impossible for me to obtain.

    If these people are idiots, PROVE IT! THAN CRITICIZE! And have a good laugh.

    Unfortunately we are living in the world where news is what everyone
    is trying to hide. The rest is an advertising

    What is worse, the world politics seems to going right into New World Order. It is not the conspiracy theory. This is a fact and you can find more and more official information’s about NWO, UN included.
    If it’s a fact, then you won’t mind providing evidence for these outrageous claims.

    Why should I prove ANYTHING to you? Never heard Bush, Blair talking about One World Government? Never seen demonstration against it?
    Ever heard the term globalization? To much CNN? ABC?
    Never heard about killed Italian guy in demonstration? If you knowledge is THAT poor... sorry, search yourself. I don't have a time for it. Actually, somewhere I do have few links, but... nah...
    search yourself smart ass.... :)

    The biggest conspiracy is a conspiracy against... conspiracies.

    Somehow the word, 'debunker' comes to my mind! ;->

  • Abaddon

    You Know;

    I loved this line

    What logical thoughts? You haven't presented anything but skepticism.
    As you are no doubt aware, the etymology of the word skeptic is from the Latin scepticus, from Greek skeptikos, 'thoughtful', from skeptesthai 'to look, consider'. Is that better or worse than credulous, from the Latin credulus, which means ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence?

    You see, Mindchild asked for evidence. Not a big requirement. No one, not even you, gave any evidence. Hearsay, rumour, conjecture, subjective experience; oh yes, that by the barrow-load. But one tiny piece of stand-up-in-a-court-of-law evidence? No. So, I think I will stand with the skeptics on this and you can stand over there with the credulous and the Loch Ness Monster and the people who think the sign 666 is in barcodes (have you heard that one?).

    There are people who directly invoke demons through magical incantations.
    Pity they are so camera shy when doing this, as if they weren't there would be EVIDENCE... or is it the demons that are camera shy? The Prince of Darkness saying "No pictures please"? Of course, there are people who think they can invoke demons. There are people who think they are the reincarnation of some famous historical character. You ever tried looking for Napoleon in a lunatic asylum? You get multiple choice. Of course, there are those who believe they are the reintarnation of someone from Alabama, but that's something entirely different...

    That's ridiculous. How do you explain speaking in tongues and occult based healing?
    Oh, placebo effect and hysteria, mass or otherwise.

    Furthermore, not all drugs open up people to demonic influence, but obviously some do.
    So which ones do, Mr Witchfinder General #2? LSD? Isn't it remarkable that a drug which can induce hallucinations (like of a poster on a wall coming to life and being so real the person perceiving this runs away convinced the poster person is chasing them) makes some people think they get screwed round with by demons (especially when they are having this suggested to them). Have you ever been with people tripping when you were straight? Don't you know how suggestable people are then? I've been in situation where with a few well chosen words I could have reduced someone to blind panic, just because they were tripping.

    I know he was telling me the truth because the polic were looking for him.
    People on PCP do have a great increase in bodily strength, but believing what someone says because the police are looking for them is a non sequiter.

    I'll give you a little project. Mr. Bean can do this too, as this;

    What you've displayed here is typical skeptical reasoning without single evidences.
    ... (coming from someone who displays typical credulous thinking without any evidence, and this;

    ... there are evidences, witnesses, who can prove an existence of aliens (demons) but... you can't prove that they are wrong and these things do not exist.
    ... (coming from someone who has not provided anything other than unsupported testimony of unvalidated characters) shows he AND you could do with a Science 1.01 project.

    Buy four plants of identical size. Keep three in glazed containers with transparent coloured gel sheets covering the glass of the comtainers; one blue, one, green, one red. Have the fourth in a plain glazed container. Give them the same care. See how they grow.

    Do it again with the same type of plant. Repeat lots.

    Compare the results. Plot them. Draw a conclusion. What light does the plant absorbs most of to make it grow?

    This is stuff 12 year-olds do. It is called an experiment. This is what we mean when we talk of scientific proof, in the above case that plants grow differently in different spectrums of light. It can be repeated. Anywhere, by anyone, and if following the correct procedure will produce the same results. No off days. No not doing it because people are looking at the plants. No being put off because people who believe that faries make the plants grow are doubting your beliefs about photosynthesis.

    Evidence is something that would stand up in a court of law; please present it.

    As you don't have either scientific proof or satisfactory evidence, you are just saying what you think and expecting that to be good enough.

    There's one guy on this board who thinks he is Jesus and a woman who talks to God regulary.

    Give me ONE thing that seperates you and them in this respect, apart from the fact they are up to their eye-balls in the dellusional swimming pool and you haven't got your hair wet... yet.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Mr Bean
    Mr Bean

    I do like you Abaddon.

    I do love to... catch ya.... Hahahahahaha…

    If I'm not mistaken, you do believe in... an evolution. Right?

    I want to see one piece of evidence of it!

    I want to make own experiment and create life as well, as evolution can.

    Any idea how to do it and... prove it?

    You seems to know a lot about scientific evidences:

    "Buy four plants of identical size. Keep three in glazed containers with transparent coloured gel sheets covering the glass of the comtainers; one blue, one, green, one red. Have the fourth in a plain glazed container. Give them the same care. See how they grow.

    Do it again with the same type of plant. Repeat lots.

    Compare the results. Plot them. Draw a conclusion. What light does the plant absorbs most of to make it grow?"

    I would not accept any explanation kind of: so many scientists are accepting is.
    I want PROOF, HARD SOLID EVIDENCE! You are good at it!!!! I trust you on that one
    Anyone has created life? Single cell? Single organism?

    Thanks in advance! ;-P

    No comments about links supplied? These 400 witnesses are... rubbish?
    Not important? In collision with you current point of view?

    I’m waiting!


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