Important to put in your letter of DA

by Roberta804 62 Replies latest members private

  • Jim_TX

    Kudos to you and your family Roberta. Well played.

    I will keep your letter in mind if I ever need to help someone out (I've been forgotten, long ago).


    Jim TX

  • 00DAD

    Thanks Roberta, I'm very interested in any legal language that can be used in communication with the local BOEs or the WTBTS. I especially appreciate your recommendation "but don't play in 'their court'".

    And welcome to the board!


  • Balaamsass

    WOW!!! Thanks Roberta!!!! Well Played.

  • Roberta804


    Would I have attempted to sue over the mention of our names pubicly? No as I had no standing, I wouldn't have given a rat's ass anyways. But what was said about me years later to my son and others did give me standing. My Brother-in-law's comments about me were ment to do damage to my son and my relationship with my son for the sole purpose of doing what JWs do best; divide and conquer. I am positive my BIL was looking to convert my son.

    Try to look at it this way......would it be proper to secretly hold a Bible study with a minior when it is known the parents disapprove? A JW would, expecially a zelot, would think that is perfectly ok as long as the child wants it. Under the law it is not OK no more than someone giving your minior child alcohol without your knowledge or approval. Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone thought they could undermine your position as parent?

    Again...look at this letter as a way to empower yourself. Don't get tangled in all their scriptural crap, there is no way out that way, they talk themselves into circles. And if they know that you are not going to play their game they are like fish out of water. I used to be the perfect JW female, did not think much of myself, no education, no future except what the Borg offered, thought the elders were mini gods. But after I read Fred Franz's book my eyes were wide open and I vowed never to be taken advantage of again.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I never wrote one because I knew they could care less what I do or don't believe or feel or don't feel.

    This, however is a grand reason to write one. Thank you. You should get this advice out to every JW that you can.

  • truthseeker1969

    roberta I think you are brave and i admire you, better out than in as the saying goes.

    just know you are loved here regardless of your stnading there, here we may disagree but we never cut off thats why i love everyone here. no fear of being shunned because we dont agree just love in its purest form

  • Roberta804


  • Giordano

    Thanks Roberta, I have made an filed a copy of your if I could only find an active witness who wants to

    I think this is an important action to take for anyone still in who wants out no matter what their circumstances. JW Elders and the WTBS need some legal threats to help them understand that if they publicly violate their member's privacy there will be consequences. Keeping the congregation clean and pure (as well as stupid) is one thing but when a member DA's they are leaving their precious jehovah world and they need not pursue in a vindictive spirit.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Hi Roberta and welcome. My hat is off to you and your husband. I also am especially happy for your son.

    Now let me get this straight. Let's say that I wrote a similar letter and had relatives like you who kept me informed that no such announcement, "Fatfreek 2005 is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses", was made.

    Months following that I would be shunned by various JW's at the mall or restaurant, etc. This would infer to me that these JW's were somehow informed, if not from the platform - then from some gossip mill.

    If I were upset by this chain of events, get a lawyer, tell him about these unpleasant experiences, and expect him to file a suit subpoenaing the various folks that shunned me, having them state exactly why they shunned me? Then, if the shunner(s) say they heard I was no longer proper Christian association - demand to know who told them this fact.

    Would this approximate a logical trail of events that could make the elders and Watchtower culpable?


  • ShadesofGrey


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