What did Jesus mean at Matthew 10:34-36?

by serenitynow! 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ProdigalSon

    designs: Jesus supported slavery

    He also organized an armed militia of insurgents:

    Luke 22:36 Then he said to them: “But now let the one that has a purse take it up, likewise also a food pouch; and let the one having no sword sell his outer garment and buy one. 37 For I tell YOU that this which is written must be accomplished in me, namely, ‘And he was reckoned with lawless ones.’

    But of course Christians will find some way to make this "symbolic"....

  • AGuest

    How is being able to protect oneself insurgency, dear PSon (peace to you!)?


    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who would never say it was symbolic... otherwise, all ears would have remained intact from the get go...

  • ProdigalSon

    How is being able to protect oneself insurgency, dear PSon (peace to you!)?

    Ironically, Jesus said that there was nothing hidden that would not become known....

    Get the whole scoop here....

    The Jesus Plot


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    if God came down and told some of you he created the world in six literal days you would still not believe him

    I certainly would. But then I would ask him why he would allow the earth to become corrupted with so much evidence to the contrary. After all, he does want everyone to believe, right? Is he incompetent, or just an asshole?

  • bioflex

    @Keyser soze: But then I would ask him why he would allow the earth to become corrupted with so much evidence to the contrary. After all, he does want everyone to believe, right? Is he incompetent, or just an asshole?

    how is it God's fault that the whole earth has become corrupted? arent we the ones who bring all these evil upon ourselves? Just look at all the evil intentions of man, how he has allowed the devil to corrupt him to seek his own self independence from God.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    how is it God's fault that the whole earth has become corrupted?

    I was referring specifically to evidence which contradicts the idea that the earth was created in six literal days. It is too overwhelming for humanity to ignore.

  • ProdigalSon

    Only the perfect, loving Demiurge of the Bible would create this thing, and then enjoy watching it relentlessly pursue and tear apart defenseless creatures for a couple of hundred million years before moving on to more sadistic things, like neanderthals and primitive humans.....

  • N.drew

    What you'll don't understand is it can ALL BE HAPPENING in the blink of an eye (a god eye, of course not a human eye). So what is in the past can actually be a response to something in the future. Do you not know that?

  • clarity

    Matt 10: 34-36 - now that I have some amount of "critical thinking" my mind goes hmmmm.....

    quite a lot.

    When I read about officials of the catholic church piecing together shreds and bits of old scrolls, deciding which bits to keep as 'truth' and which to discard as being false .... the mind goes hmmm.

    What does this look like? A few 'scholars' hunched over faded torn brittle pieces in the 3rd - 4th century.

    How bright would the light be? Anyone with super perfect eyesight? Magnifying glasses?

    Would their decisions be swayed by their Catholic religious beliefs?

    Click here and see an illustration of what Solomon Schecter faced when attempting to rearrange bits of manuscripts in 1896!



    Now how many errors would likely be made?

    How many words or phrases are mixed up or misplaced or made up from someones personal writings.? {some lost loveletter dropped in the stones or angry threat?}

    How many true words or messages were discarded?

    How much kept that has no bearing on anything important at all .... execept perhaps only to back up a catholic point of view?

    So, what's my take on Matthew 10:34-36 .... hmmm, with a grain of salt!


  • ShadesofGrey


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