Does the Watchtower Society have the "Biggest Lie" ever published?

by Terry 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • curiouscynic

    What intrigues me about 1975 is how many JWs lived through it but deny that it ever happened.

    Some witnesses went deep into debt thinking that they'd never have to pay it back. That's got to suck...

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    He said, "Witnesses will not be involved in social work or charitable work, for one thing the end of the world as we know it is imminent so why bother?"

    And the wheels of time turn and the WT is a registered charity! and are skimming off the $$$ in the way of tax evasion!

    wonder if Errol idiot Burton is still alive to realize this?


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Hi Terry

    what page is that old truth book scan on?

    Anyone have a link to a pdf 1968 version?



  • Ucantnome

    I don't know if it was a lie.

    I do find that many Witnesses seem to think the expectations of 1975 were due to many of the brothers and sisters making too much of what was said. Some Elders have said to me that they never said Armageddon would come only that it was the end of six thousand years of human existance.

    In the Watchtower that you show Terry it says "the nearness of such an important date..."

    If you weren't expecting Armageddon of what importance was 1975? Why was 6000 years any more important than 5999"

    We already had one important date which was 1914.

    In the Watchtower of 1974 Page 51. It says,

    "Unmistakably, the Bible pinpoints 1914 C.E. as the time when the "kingdom of the world" became the kingdom of the Lord God and of his Christ. Before the generation that was then alive passes off the scene, the "great tribulation" will strike."

    The Awake magazine of October 8 1968 page 12 gave this understanding of the generation.

    "Jesus was obviously speaking about those who were old enough to witness with understanding what took place when the "last days" began. Jesus was saying that those persons who were alive at the appearance of the 'sign of the lastdays' would still be alive when God brought this system to its end.

    Even if we presume that younsters 15 years of age would be perceptive enough to realize the import of what happened in 1914, it would still make the youngest of "this generation" nearly 70years old today."

    On page 15 of the same Awake is a showing 1914 and 61 years from the start of the last days until 1975 end of 6000 years.

    I think that this was what was meant when the Watchtower you show mentioned "the nearness of such an important date..."

    Some I have spoken to and claim to know what was said weren't even born in 1975.

  • thetrueone

    I don't know if it was a lie.

    I do find that many Witnesses seem to think the expectations of 1975 were due to many of the brothers and sisters making too much of what was said. Some Elders have said to me that they never said Armageddon would come only that it was the end of six thousand years of human existence.

    Ucantnome you need to do some research, use the search box in this forum on 1975 as well 1914 to understand where the WTS. came to these

    dates. What any elder will tell you about 1975 is a deliberate cop out/cover up, similar to the cop out the WTS. came up with and printed in the WT

    and Awake articles.

    There are two important aspects to the 1975 lie both originating from the bible.

    The first and the most obvious is nowhere is it mentioned in the bible that god's day of judgment will come after

    6000 years or symbolic Days of mankind's existence from Adam .

    It does say though that no one will know the time not even the son, therefore making up any calculable dating system is basically unscriptural.

    Therefore 6000 years has no relevancy to the topic in relation to when Armageddon should appear.

    And secondly there is no real solidly accurate way to calculate 6000 years back to Adam's existence and end up at the fall of 1975,

    this professed doctrine alone makes most bible scholars laugh with justifiable ridicule.

    1975 for the WTS. was a marketing scheme to infuse the suggestion that god's day of judgment upon mankind was to happen soon

    and all were advise to heed this proclamation. Unfortunately the marketing scheme did work, the WTS sold more of their pieces of literature

    worldwide, more people became proselyting JWS and perhaps more money was cultivated as well from all of this activity.

    The WTS. came out clear winners for a time, well at least up to and shortly past 1975, the following years weren't so good

    since people started to realize what they were up to.


    So far only 3 pages of examples of "Lying for the Truth [ tm ]"

    Let's go people. You can do better.

  • Ucantnome


    Thank you for your suggestions to research the subject. I don't need to research the matter I already have and I was a JW through those years.

    When I said "I don't know if it was a lie."

    I meant according to this definition.

    "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive"

    I have no way of knowing what anyone's intent was. Everyone that I know who believed the end would come in 1975 had good reason to believe it. One of the reasons was as I stated we were supposedly deep in the last days of the generation that saw the sign of Christ's second presence. The importance of the end of 6000 years I don't believe was new. I think I'm right in saying that 1874 had been calculated as the end of 6000 years of man's existence. 1874 being calculated as the time of Christ's return.
  • BluesBrother

    Awake May 22 1969......" Fact,You will Never Get Old In This System Of Things"...........42 years ago!

    (check the paragraph above the one noted )

  • steve2

    Thanks bluesbrother. I notice that there were many articles arounbd about that time that arrogantly marshalled "Scriptural" evidence about 2 separate docctrines (1914 and the 6,000 years theory) to pressure the rank and file into the preaching work. That milions of personal impacts among JWs at that time and beyond. I thank my own innate critical thinking abilities that I woke up about 8 years after 1975 passed and left.

    Talk about career aspirations interrupted!

  • mrquik

    I always find it curious that an organization claiming divine direction having no problem buying into 1914. Does it sound reasonable that divine direction would lead millions of people from a date Russell initially reworked from Barbour & others? People who today would be labeled as apostates. And then top it off with his own take on the pyramids? Can you imagine God putting his stamp of approval on this mess? Sure... the light gets brighter & brighter, if you don't understand. Certainly the holy spirit would only deliver the truth. What happened here? Must be that the holy spirit deliberately lied or ......... all this is crap. I'm voting for the crap.

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