Is the Holy Spirit God Himself or a force like in Star Wars?

by I_love_Jeff 224 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopsiecakes

    ooh there you go, designs!!

  • Qcmbr

    Is Chewbacca Esau?

  • truthseeker

    The real question is how does the anti-typical Chewbacca find fulfilment in the prophecy concerning the seven times?

  • poopsiecakes

    NOW we're talkin...

  • Qcmbr

    So is Chewbacca foreshadowed by the ewoks? I think the red seven call sign at the battle of Yavin may well have been a fulfilment of the seventh trumpet.

  • Terry

    This is one of those "everybody is writing and nobody is reading" topics!

  • sabastious
    This is one of those "everybody is writing and nobody is reading" topics!

    That makes for some good reading sometimes! With these types of threads I like to pick random pages and follow the exchanges, arguments etc. Rarely do I start from the beginning (except I read every OP).


  • Qcmbr

    Sry - Terry - just been lazy, chillax posting fluff on this thread!

  • AGuest
    Next topic: does Anakin Skywalker represent Jesus? discuss...

    Assuming you're serious (and even if you're not, what the heck - gotta work off these leftovers somehow...), I think that he would represent "Belial": an initially good guy/angel who turned to the "dark" side (due to jealousy over not being the chosen one). Thus, Anakin is Belial with Darth Vader being "Satan." Here's how I saw some of the main characters, metaphorically speaking of course:

    Luke Skywalker - A cross between "Christ" (the "chosen one"... and one wearing "white", etc.)... and "Adam" (brother to "Eve")

    Yoda - A cross between "the Holy Spirit" (unending powers, and ability to overcome the darkness) and "Michael" (protector of the chosen one)

    Obi Wan Kenobi - A cross between "Zechariah" (the high priest who was told who the chosen one was and so stayed on the lookout) and "John the Baptist" (who "prepared the way" for that chosen one)

    Qui Gon Jinn - "Paul"

    Mace Windu - "Nicodemus"

    Palpatine/Darth Sidious - "Death" (hence, the "Death Star")

    Hans Solo - A cross between "Gabriel" (primary messenger with regard to the chosen one) and "Peter" (brave and daring yet often rash and sometimes not too bright)

    Lando Calrissian - A cross between "Thomas" and "Matthew" (a business man and willing disciple who sometimes doubted)

    Padme Adimala - A cross between Mary and the "woman" of Revelation (virgin who later gives birth to the chosen one, yet needing to be protected).

    Princess Leia - A cross between Mary the Magdalene ("royal," strong enough to "fight" the enemy, not entirely "pure", in love with her "brother" but unable to have him)... and "Eve" (sister to Adam)

    Chewbaca - An accompanying "guardian" angel/"Barnabas" character

    Again, this is only MY take. I realize you may not have been serious in your asking, but it was a "fun" aside from the usual, so thanks for the opportunity!

    Again, peace to you!

    SA, on her own...

  • poopsiecakes

    see Shelby? This is why these are very important questions to ask. I had no idea you were a Star Wars geek and now I feel like I know you better!

    ...and no, it wasn't really a serious question but I'm freakin' LOVING the answers!

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