Zid has to say "goodbye"... For now...

by ziddina 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Zid...you know my cat I was telling you about that chewed electrical wires and electrocuted herself...finally got myself a photobucket account so here's a picture of her not long before she died...she was 18 years old...dribbled everywhere...and her tongue stuck out permanantly because she split her jaw in half...this was when she not even 1 yet...after that she was attacked by a rottweiler...that ripped her back open so she had a huge scar on her back where no hair would grow...I think she used all her lives in the first two, but never had any problems with her after that...She always looked tatty like this because she was always sticky from dribbling all over herself when she was 'grooming'...she loved to sun bathe too...hense not very grey either. She was my baby. I miss her.

  • finallysomepride


    LMAO, poor little cat, feel sorry for it, but LOL

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I know...everyone that ever saw her laughed at her...but she was a real sweetie

  • Quarterback

    Take care Zid.

    Hope to hear from you again,


  • ziddina

    Oh, Still Thinking!!!

    Poor, sweet little baby! I'm so glad you gave her a good home and cared for her and protected her - for over 17 years!!

    Now, THAT'S loyalty!!

    Thanks, Nancy Drew!! I'm pretty sure that I'll be O-K - just a little nervous...

    GL Tirebiter- yeah, this creaky old thing has ONE hook-up for an USB port - and I've backed up ALL of my files in the past, but NOW I'm doing it every time I work on my book!!

    NomadSoul - that is the one pleasure that I DO get out of flying - I remember one dark December night; we were flying back home [Colorado] and i thought that there'd be nothing to see since it was after sunset...

    Turned out to be one of the most MAGICAL nights of my life!! There was a full moon that night, snow on the ground, between the moonlight and snow I could see most of the surface features of the landscape - it was FANTASTIC!!

    Thanks, Quarterback!! I'll be back, but it all depends on how long the creaky old computer lasts and how soon we can get a new one, after it crashes...


  • clarity

    Zid ...not leaving, just incognito for awhile. Don't know for how long though.

    bye ........clarity

  • ziddina

    Ah, I understand, Clarity...

    I hope that you achieve your goals and come back and visit us once in a while!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Did romance blossom Zid?...sounds romantic

  • ziddina

    Ah, no, no romance....

    I was returning with my hubby from visiting the in-laws...

    And that is DEFINITELY NOT romantic!!

  • rebel8

    Heh,Rebel8- I said thanks before, but thanks again for the prayer..... You DID pray to someone who actually FLIES, right???

    Of course.

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