Zid has to say "goodbye"... For now...

by ziddina 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Thanks, everyone!

    I was just yakking to my Wiccan girlfriend in - uhm, let's just say she's in the "Bible Belt" - we were talking about the in-laws and she said, "It's not the flying that you're afraid of, it's the IN-LAWS...!"

    She might be right...

    Anyhoo... I'm pretty sure I'll get back in one piece - and when the old computer fails, at least we'll be able to replace them [edited] IT - we'll replace IT with THEM, probably - I'm hoping for a desktop AND a laptop - within a few weeks/month or two...


  • compound complex
    compound complex


    CoCo Canine/Feline/Equine/Bovine ...

  • GLTirebiter
    My computer-support service has checked my computer because it's been rather "glitchy" lately, and the hard drive is failing...

    Leave the Sunday paper ad inserts where your husband will find them, drop hints about how old and troublesome your computer is, talk about the big Black Friday sales coming up this week, and how Christmas/Solstice is coming up soon...

    Just sayin'...

  • ziddina

    Thanks, CoCo and GL Tirebiter!! Hubby is totally on-board about it; he just wants to RESEARCH the purchase for several weeks before buying...

    That will slow things down a bit. But he's right - and we'll start out with Consumer Reports and other buying-guides... I'll take me own advice!


  • N.drew

    Good bye! Be safe!! I thought dragons could fly. I learn something new every day!

  • ziddina

    Heh... I always luv a good "dragon" reference, n.Drew!

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Have a good trip Zid, you are going to be fine. Breathe in some lavender to chill you out, and take some music and reading material for the flight.

    I love dragons. But being Welsh, I should.........enjoy zid!

  • Violia

    I love cats.I know nothing will happen to you and you will come home to your babies. I would be honored to take one of the cats, a female as I have 2 female cats. They are 6 yrs old and fat and spoiled .

    I hate to fly too. You will be back, don't worry, smile.

  • clarity

    Hope you have a great time ... once you're up in the air you'll be OK!

    Beautiful animals ... maybe take them with you and see how the in-laws like that.

    Don't know if I'll be here when you get back, but where ever I end up... hopefully there will be a little puppy in the picture.


  • finallysomepride


    have a great ride, thes & will be fine.

    the computer sorry to hear about the problems, hope you are not away from here long.

    Do what dragons do best.


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