Zid has to say "goodbye"... For now...

by ziddina 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Thanks, everyone!!!

    I am especially ROFL at the exchange between Wha Happened and Finally Some Pride...

    As you all can tell, hard drive hasn't crashed yet - will keep checking in as long as I can, but I really want to use the computer's last gasp to get at least one of my books finished.

    Wha Happened, I am sorely tempted, but the printer is shot, too - dunno whether we'll still be able to use the monitor on the next system; it's getting harder to find USB port adaptors - if I said that correctly - this system's so old, it only has ONE USB port - and THAT was an add-on...

    Anyway, thanks for all your well-wishes and assurances

    I LOVE the noblelodge's take on it - it isn't the flying - it's the CRASHING!!! !!! !!!

    Flipper, FSP, Wha Happened, AK_Jeff - wow, what would I do without you guys!!

    Rebel8 - Thanks, I feel much safer, now...

    Still Thinking - WHAT??? Raiding MY THREAD??? Aw, go on, I know you wanna! And share it with n.Drew - I notice she's begun to use it, too...

    So many wonderful people, I can't name them all - factfinder - hey, man! Good news! [read your PM]

    Damn, I never thought THIS thread would make it to 2 pages...

    Anyway, LUVS YA ALL!!


  • sabastious

    Zid you have a pm.

  • ziddina

    Cedars, I'm going to miss seeing your posts - they're always very well thought-out, and I really enjoy them!

    Mrs. Jones - Josie- wheeeeeee!! You're MY kinda person - full of sass and vinegar and JUST enough sugar to make you a WONDERFUL person!!

    MOUTHY!! Hey, now I GOTTA come back, Mouthy has so ordered it!!

    Balaamsass, it is GREAT having you onboard! You bring many wonderful insights to this "table" - website!

    OUTLAW, Mickey Mouse, GL Tirebiter - you guys ALWAYS make me laugh! GREAT senses of humor!!

    Desirous of Change, AGuest, Flying High Now - thanks! Your friendship and warm consideration warms the cockles of my prickly heart!

    FSP -aaaaah, I already said thanks to you... But thanks again, just the same - especially for making me laugh!

    COCO!!! You wonderful, talented person, you!! I'll be thinking of you, your stories and your artwork - especially the artwork; it's so beautiful!!

    Viola!! Thank you VERY MUCH for your offer of a home to one of my kitties - if they need it...

    n.Drew- heeeeey!!! You KNOW I'm NOT ignoring YOU!!!

    Pam's girl- Welsh, AND you love dragons??? Honey, c'mere and lemme HUG you!!

    Clarity!!! WHERE THE HECK are you going, girl?? Have you grown beyond this website? We're going to miss YOU, if you leave us...!!


  • ziddina

    Thanks, Sabastious; I'll check on that right now...

  • ziddina

    Hey, Aw Snap!! I'd love to meet up, but with hubby dragging me everywhere HE wants to go, I have a sneaking suspicion it might not happen... I do have your info, though, and I'll put it into my purse so that maybe we can get together - but it's going to be a whirlwind trip, I can tell that right now...

    Sizemik - PBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT!! I love you too, man...

    LV101- HAH! When I first read your comment, I thought you were referring to the cats - then I realized!! Yeah, my in-laws - I can dish out as good as they can!!

    iCeltic - hey! I hope you're enjoying your time on the board - it's good to 'see' you again!

    Tec - Tammy- aw, thanks... [blushes and stubs toe in dirt...] Yeah, but my kitties think that I'm just their SERVANT! Whoops, gotta go - Smokey is yowling...


    "Remember Superman said it was the safest way to travel,but just to be sure sit at the rear of the plane,I`ve never heard of a plane backing into a mountain..."

    Ah, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! r

    Hi, Watersprout! Hope you and Carrot and Babysprout are all doing well!

    charlie brown jr. - aw, I'm blushing... I didn't know you cared... For DRAGONS, that is!!

    Heh,Rebel8- I said thanks before, but thanks again for the prayer..... You DID pray to someone who actually FLIES, right???


  • factfinder


    I have not had the chance to read through all these posts yet but I wanted to let you know not to worry-everything will be fine.

    And We will most certainly be looking forward to your posts again when you and your husband get your new computers!

    Have a safe visit and flight (It will be ok!) and have a


    Thank you for all the kind concern and help you have given me Zid!

    Take care!

  • ziddina


    Hey, man!! Good news! [read your PM]

    Thanks for the thanksgiving wish - hope you have a good and profitable time, too!

  • GLTirebiter

    Serious note, Zid. If you don't have a USB external hard drive, get one and use it to back up your files. It's a life saver when (not if!) the hard drive fails, and makes it easier to move all your "stuff" to a new drive or computer.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Your little ones are so beautiful. everything will be fine and you'll be huggin and kissin those sweeties in no time.

  • NomadSoul

    Goodbye Zid, don't look out the window of the plane!

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