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by Twisty 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Twisty


    My wife and myself are active witnesses.

    Before i go into great depth about our past and what brings me here, i would like to make sure I am posting this in the right section.

    I'm a little technologically retarded so please bear with me.


  • factfinder

    Hi twisty! welcome!

  • sizemik

    Welcome Twisty . . .

    You may wish to consider posting in the members only section if details are not for general consumption. It is for registered users only. Just click on home (top left) and the topic list will appear)

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Welcome to you and hopefully your wife too...

    friends is a pretty good place to start i think!

    Keep details that may identify you off the internet is a good rule anywhere, including here.

    We love to hear what brings people here, take your time if you need to. We have a great mix of comedians, researchers, sharp shooters, bullshit detectors and even a couple of incarnations of the messiah himself...


  • AnnOMaly

    Look forward to hearing your story.

  • Jeffro
    a couple of incarnations of the messiah himself...

    himselfs? themselves? himselves? can't we just say 'nutters'?

  • 3rdgen

    Welcome Twisty, I hope this board helps you as much as it has my hubby and me. It's only been a month for us and already we have learned so much! Having a safe place to voice our thoughts and concerns is priceless.

  • cedars

    Hi Twisty - a big welcome from me. You are among friends here. I look forward to reading your experience.


  • Twisty

    Initially i thought i might reply in a day or two, but the forum seems lively and the weather is too miserable to go the beach etc.

    Where to start?

    Mother and Father got divorced when i was two i think my mother had started studying so it may have been a factor, she later got baptized i was 4 and remarried when i was 6 to a manic-depressive/bi-polar pain in the....

    He became an elder and i became the model witness boy...reading watchtower at 8, giving talks giving school experiences at District convention etc.

    Meantime i pushed my "worldly" father away and we didnt communicate for years at a time, which i think i'll regret for a long time.

    My Mom was diagnosed with MS and Rheumatoid arthritis at age 31 i think.

    When i was 18 i moved out, and started courting a beautiful girl who is now my wife.

    I think its a good time to mention i always considered my biggest flaw to be my problem with Authority and people who want to reach out to positions of oversight, so although i was spiritual i kept it to a degree that i wouldnt be asked for a position of MS.

    We were married when we both were 20, my wife was a pioneer and pioneered for 5 years at which point she had a little business i resigned and joined her in the pioneer service.

    Im not very good with age and dates they dont seem too important to me, it was around this time my mother passed away aged 43 after a very debilitating illness.

    We applied to our local branch and were accepted, and my preconceived illusions came crashing down around me at that place.

    We left within 6 months i went to see the branch commitee member and explained we couldnt stay there any longer and would like to go back to pioneer.

    So we did unfortunately leaving Bethel at 6 months puts a black mark on you somehow and we felt we were no longer part of our cong.

    The pioneering lasted 1 month and we moved as far as we could away.

    It was around this time i started noticing how much emphasis was being put on being in subjection to the faithful and discreet slave and follow new direction etc...

    So i started reasoning with a few family members but i think the only thing that went through their minds was "spiritually weak" .

    So slowly for the last year or so my mind has been heightened to look for inconsistencies and sharing them with my wife in a logical way.

    About a week ago i was reading the proclaimers book when i came across the name Barbour again and his early association with Russel so i looked up some info on Wiki on Barbour out of curiosity and noticed a tag to go to Russel.

    Now this info was quite interesting, his marriage the pyramid etc...but then i saw something that said notable former members(thinking these were celebrities or such)

    Which led me to Bro Raymond Franz and what i read there was sadly amazing and now i wanted to read C.o.C.

    So i googled it and found 4 online chapters and read them but it also threw up this site which i browsed through which led me to several sites including silent lambs and its all so overwhelming.

    So yesterday thanks to this site i read Bro R Franz's book on pdf, which was a bit heavy at times but most of all awakened in me an anger and an excitement and guilt for the excitement.

    So we have been looking at some more info and websites.

    Myself and my wife will be fading to prove things independantly for ourselves.

    It has been a very rough time in the last few weeks, with many tears and outbursts of anger.

    Thinking where this might lead and what stand i will have to possibly make leaves me feeling very sad, since everyone we know and all our close friends and family are witnesses and we are already looked at strange and fallen out a few circles for lack of meeting attendance.

    Last month was the first month that i haven't handed in a field service report for 19 years.

    Thats the gist of it i will be getting that Swedish brothers book that deals with the chronological aspects and be surfing back and forth here alot.

    Feel free to ask me questions aswell, although i would like to keep my identity a secret for awhile not that it matters that much since i dont care much what others think of me.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Hi Twisty and welcome.

    I can understand what you are going through, we've all been there. It's great that you have your wife's understanding.

    Keep reading!

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