Do You Miss Even A Little Bit Your "Friends" From The "Truth"?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    No, I didn't really have any friends. I had "associates".

  • exwhyzee

    Boy you said a mouthfull Mrs. Jones...I'm going to borrow that one...that's exactly how it is !

  • ShirleyW

    Your words go for me too Mrs. J

  • N.drew

    I don't miss be invited to gatherings. I would rather play cards. And there was no group that did games or cards.

  • MrFreeze

    I would say yes. There are people there I liked.

  • sizemik

    Just to add some counter-perspective, there's more than a handful of "friends" I was glad to see the back of.

  • 3rdgen

    Very, few. My best friend was DF'd a number of years ago when I was "in". I refused to shun her but she explained that I needed to so as to expidite her reinstatement. She wanted to be able to truthfully say she wasn't talking to any JW's (not breaking any rules) I respected her decision but it was AGONIZING waiting the 3 yrs it took those a$$holes to let her back. Now the only reason I don't resign is so that I don't put her in a position to have to worry about me. I never want to loose her again. I believe in time I can help her out of this cult.

  • dm6

    i wasn't 'in' long enough to make some real friends, but even if i did, im sure it would end up being conditional friendship anyways.

  • finallysomepride


    hows NP today?

  • wobble

    No, I do not. Partly because, being "Inactive" I am free to go and see the ones I like at any time. I don't do that very often, I would not actually miss them if I never saw them again, I just go and see them because thay are likeable, and have been kind and hospitable to my wife and I in the past.

    Mrs Wobble misses the social diary being full, she now has one close friend (never a JW) and some old friends from various places she worked at, that she has always kept in touch with, we go out with them sometimes, but often she has only her one friend to fill the time with when I am off playing Bowls (the Sir Francis Drake sort).

    But we discussed this a while ago, and we both said we don't care if we never see any of them ever again, apart from some of the delightful children, we will not see them growing up.

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