An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences


    AK - Jeff you seem to be very angry with a god that you do not believe exists. The freedom of not believing in the existence of the god of the bible, is that you can be free. Free from anger towards the impotent god of the bible. If such a being existed he would never have allowed any person to suffer.

    The reality is that since the beginning of time many humans have starved to death and died from terrible wounds inflicted by accident, wild beasts and war. It has always been thus and continues to be so. If all humans had live out their natural life span, the earth would have many times its present population. This would have been unsustainable and led to even greater suffering and death.

    Shocking as it is, the death of others enables us lucky people to live such comfortable lives on a planet that still just manages to sustain the t he mass invasion by humans . I can’t change the world and am selfish enough to admit that I hope it doesn’t change until after I have ceased to be. My apologies to the decent, good hearted people who believe in a god of love and may be shocked by my honesty.

    Reality is what IS... not what we wish it to be...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    No, not actually.

    No god. No anger toward it. Perhaps a little residual anger toward the god-concept-lie perpetrated upon myself and the balance of mankind for so long. And a flare now and again against those who seek to defend said concept with straw man arguments, empty pseudoreason, and an almost total refusal to address the main point of this thread.

    If any of the god apologists can actually address the premise that millions of starving children is indication that there is no higher being interested in us, it would be quite lovely. I don't expect it, by what I've seen. But likely there will be more quotations from some ancient jewish folklore writings, and some vague statements that god-concept fills hearts and is love.


  • ProdigalSon

    These children are starving because of corporate corruption, not because "God" doesn't care. It is up to YOU and ME and ALL OF US to say "NO" to Monsanto and the like.

    Get the evil people who are hindering the distribution of food or paying farmers NOT to grow crops out of power and you will see how God works.

    WE are God because the Spirit of God can only make changes through human consciousness, intelligence, and action. There's no one else to blame.

  • N.drew

    Thank you ProdigalSon, I am thinking the same thing. Left unchecked humankind (the whole) will ruin Earth. Anyone with normal intelligence and healthy mental state can know it. Sraw men? Isn't it atheism because they do not consider cause and effect when aurguing truth? If it were simply a true or false problem, then they would win and the God fearers would lose. But Jesus came because of all the good choices his ancestors made and despite all the bad choices. The "end" will be the same as that.

    The Christians are thinking science better than the atheist are. Don't you see?

  • PSacramento

    This thread does indeed show that many of us have indeed created God in Our Image, we have created a God in our minds that MUST conform to our way of thinking what God must be and that if God is NOT that way, God can't exist.

    We have indeed created God in our image.

    Then we h ave siad that THIS God doesn't exist.

    Well, guess what, YOU ARE RIGHT, THAT god doesn't exist.

  • tec

    Just convince me that there's justification for God having us live on an Earth that produces Earthquakes . . . entirely random occurrances that kill indiscriminately. If he is omnipotent . . . what possible motive could he have for engineering circumstances that produce such an event? And then he sits back and does absolutely nothing while "morally adjusted" humans claw at the rubble with their bare hands to save a stranger?

    I can speculate plenty, but as I said, I don't know. But see, the whole point of having faith in someone, in trusting someone... is that well, you DO trust them. I might not have an answer for something, right now, but that does not mean there is not an answer and that it is not in line with what Christ taught about His Father. (not to be confused with the god of the bible - both God and His Son are much bigger, more three-dimensional, then the writings in the bible make them out.) I know that they will not do anything that comes from hate or anger or apathy. Their acts come from love. So whatever the reason, I trust in them.

    Perhaps life cannot occur unless we have gravity (spinning earth), and moving tectonic plates (earthquakes), and whatever else causes tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, etc.

    If, however, we remained as we were... spiritual and/or flesh at will, like the angels... then none of those things could hurt us. Instead we are as we are - long garments of skin - and we do not have the ability to shed flesh and return to the spiritual (yet). Our flesh dies. That death (in whatever way, old age/sickness/accident/disaster) does not kill the spirit inside of us.

    These things are written as well.



  • tec

    My apologies to the decent, good hearted people who believe in a god of love and may be shocked by my honesty

    No need to apologize. It would seem that most feel the same, as shown by their action/inaction... or more would be doing things about it, giving up their comforts, etc. You're just more honest about it. I don't give much up either, and I don't like what that says about me.



  • tec

    If any of the god apologists can actually address the premise that millions of starving children is indication that there is no higher being interested in us, it would be quite lovely.

    Has been addressed. Can't say anything other than what I've already said. Can't help it if you don't agree with or like the way it has been addressed. If there was something in particular that you don't like, it would be cool if you engaged instead of ignored. But whatever you like.



  • botchtowersociety

    If God is omnipotent HE should act. But if he is not there, he cannot. Simple as that.

    That begs the question: How would you know how an omniscient, omnipotent, God should act? You are neither of these things yourself.

  • james_woods

    The above sounds to me a lot like this:

    There will be those who will lay vague claims like: "Well, God's plan is better than ours." "God knows best, and since he is superior to us in understanding, it will all work out for the best."

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