My first bit of unsolicited Anti-Witnessing

by Open mind 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I recently crossed the line into hard-core......... A - P - O - S - T - A - S - Y ! ! !

    I approached a guy who was sitting alone at a table in a restaurant and discreetly, briefly gave him one example of why JWs are a heartless, high-control religion.

    OK, rewind the tape. I haven't become an evangelical anti-JW proseletizer. Here's the back story leading up to it.

    Recently I was on a business trip and while enjoying a dinner alone in an almost deserted restaurant, (6 pm on a Tuesday night), I overhead a snippet of conversation from three people sitting at a table across from me. Two guys, one gal, and the first thing that caught my JW radar was something like this: "What's so BAD about Halloween? How is a 5 year old dressed up as Superman somehow seen as Satanic?"

    Now, I'm thinking, OK there's a good chance their discussing JWs, but there are also fundie groups who are anti-Halloween. Continue with the eavesdropping.

    Next snippet: "Birthdays? Birthdays?!? Where in the Bible does it condemn birthdays?"

    Bingo!! They were definitely discussing JWs. The best I could piece together was that one of the guys knew a JW who was trying to convert him and the other guy and gal were trying to make sure he didn't drink the JW Kool-Aid.

    Now it was time for me to do some soul-searching. Do I get up from my seat, JW-style, politely interrupt their conversation and give them my $.02?

    Uhhhhh.... No.

    It's not my place to save the world from JWs. They're paying customer in a restaurant and certainly do not need to be interrupted by anyone, no matter how well intentioned.

    Well, a couple minutes go by and the guy who knows the JW gets up and leaves because he's gotta get running. A couple more minutes go by and the gal goes to the bathroom. Now there's just one guy sitting there staring at the wall, killing time, not even pulling out his smart-phone to pass the time.

    The old JW proseletyzing instincts get the best of me and I decide to take the plunge over the precipice into absolute apostasy. I apologetically approach him and let him know that I'm a former 3rd generation JW and that my JW radar couldn't help but zoom in on Halloween and Birthdays. I ask him: "Would you like to know just one question that your friend can pose to the JW who's trying to convert him?"

    (The guy was COMPLETELY open to further conversation. If I got the slightest hint that he was perturbed, I would have immediately taken my leave.)

    I said, "OK, have him ask this: 'Do JWs still approve of the irrevocable baptism of minors?' "

    He gave me a bit of a blank stare. And then I gave the back story of how my older brother got baptized at 12 years of age and figured out at 12.5 years of age that he was gay. And that because of that he lost all his friends and family.

    He was dumbfounded. I backed it up by letting him know I was an elder for over 10 years and that wasn't exaggerating the situation at all.

    Midway through my spiel, his girlfriend came back from the bathroom and she was also all ears. They were VERY appreciative and know to Google "Jehovah's Witnesses".

    All done.


  • ziddina

    GOOD for you!!! And - just between you and me - wasn't that FUN!??! I love doing anti-witnessing... if the right opportunity arises...

  • wobble

    Well done Open Mind, I anti-witness at every opportunity, and I find that those I have spoken too are pleased to be informed.

    I don't think we should be nervous about doing it, as long as we have your sensitivity and back off when they have had enough.

    I try always to tell them about the "Do Not Call" list, as I think the more people get on this the better, but whatever, I always leave them with "" ringing in their ears.

  • irondork

    You realize there is now ZERO chance for you to get into the new world. The corporation simply will not allow it.

    I have had the opportunity at work to warn several about the Koolaid. Feels good. For once in my ministry I actually feel like I'm accomplishing something and God is blessing my efforts. Best part is I get to highlight the bible instead of giving it token reference.

  • fade_away

    remember to count your time! :)

  • OnTheWayOut


  • punkofnice

    Open Mind - Well done! There are some things that just need saying aren't there!?!?

  • Mary

    Excellent. One of my co-workers has a brother who joined the Borg after dating a Witness girl (who neglected to tell him that she was a Witness until he was hooked). She now rarely sees her brother but a few weeks ago, they actually dropped in and they had a glass of wine. Lisa (my co-worker) and her husband raised their glasses as a toast and well, you can guess what happened. Finally, her brother actually lifted his glass too but Lisa and her husband thought afterwards "WTH was that all about?" She said to her hubby "I'll ask Mary on Monday". So I told her the lame reasoning they had for it and told her "your brother probably paid for that big time as soon as they got in the car."

    She said to me that she's got alot of questions about the religion but doesn't want to ask her brother or sister in law because they'll try to convert her. LOL.

  • cantleave

    I love all you proactive apostates out there.

    Nice approach OM!!!!!

  • sizemik

    Congratulations OM . . .

    That person probably represented about 1000 hrs of door knocking, countless RV's, and about 6 months worth of bible Study.

    And you rendered it all useless inside of 20 mins.


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