The sick mind of the JW

by JT 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws


    I have seen JT. He is much better looking than MalcomX. I agree with larc.


  • LDH

    Ha ha ha

    I'm not laughing at you, PH. I'm laughing.....well, actually, I am.

    And some wonder why we need Black history month.

    It's because after all these years, most Americans are out of touch with Black History, which really is American history.

    Truly Pureheart, that's a failure of our education system. Not your failure.

    Anyhow, JT never sent *me* his pic, what is up with that?


  • Kay Francis
    Kay Francis

    I've seen JT too, and he's much better looking than Malcolm X. Words can't explain it!

  • JT

    See you all are just being BAD--- smile

    "Lady C" is here rolling on the floor, but thanks for the kind words


  • chester

    I have seen JT as well.

    To me he looks like a young version of Johnny Cochran except he is much better looking.

  • jesussaves

    Man, I thought that was a joke! I needed that laugh....Anyhoo about the topic, my grandmother told me some story that a bethel tour group got delayed somewhere in NY on the morning of 9/11. Supposedly, they were on their way to a tour of the WTC. I just looked at her and rolled my eyes. I guess it's to be expected, though. She thinks that everything good that happens to me is a trick from the devil, to keep me in the 'world'.

  • Pureheart

    I'm sorry. I feel "tupid". I should have known that it was Malcolm X. I knew he looked familiar. DAH

    Thanks LDH. Now stop laughing. lol


  • Bodhisattva

    Yet another loaded word when used among the Dubs, "prestigious." It means good from the world's point of view, but we would not be showing humility if we were involved in it. Assuming we're not already; if someone - and by "someone" I mean an elder or elder's relative including sons-in-law - already has a prestigious position, like doctor, lawyer, or six-figure pointy-haired boss, then they're hot shit.<p>

    Back in the real world, "prestigious company" does not equal prestigious job, however. Many positions involving offices in the WTC would involve a head-hunting phase and would generally conclude with a candidate making a commitment to start a job anywhere from a month to four or five months in the future. Even many jobs that pay badly or are not otherwise "prestigious" allow a couple weeks to give notice with one's current employer. As far as any job where the answer is 'show up next Monday or we give it to the next schlub,' well, here is the way I think it really happened:<p>

    MTS Guy: I've been working my way up towards this job.<p>
    Interviewer: Yes, I see you've cleaned windows on the top floors of 20- and 50-story buildings.<p>


  • LovesDubs

    The word from Bethel after 9/11 was that there was a busload of JWs caught in a tunnel somewhere who were headed for the WTC to preach and therefore were SAVED. And that those JWs who perished in the WTC were WEAK and didnt put in enough service time and therefore were expedable. What perverts. Those towers held 10,000 people all those other 17,000 or so who managed to not be there or get out were therefore blessed by God and the rest...well hell it was judgment day for them? Leave it to the smelders and Governing Bodyodor to twist a disaster to make themselves look good. Can you say SPIN doctor?

    Read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE by Former Governing Body Member RAY FRANZ


  • teejay
    >>You see if he had gone to work for that company, he would have been
    >>on one of the top floors of the World Trade Center.


    What *isn't* said is 'the rest of the story* or the hundreds of other stories like this one. People sacrifice something that in itself is proper and good—in this case a job for the support of a family—for the sake of being used as a righteous example by men who's needs are already cared for.

    Like Lisa said, they liked being seen as more spiritual than their brothers, but eventually they (we) pay the price. "Go to the Watchtower sponsored training school (even if you have to lose your job, your car, your house, a chance to go to a real school of higher learning) and your life will surely improve," the message is.


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