Shocked at what my 3 year old just asked me

by jwfacts 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sabastious

    I am going to have to deal with the same thing in a few years. My mother and MiL will use tactics to try to seed my son with a yearning for something "better than this world." I am preparing myself for it now. They will tell my son about all the wonderful things that reside in their land of milk and honey. They will say that "loving" Jehovah brings us closer to that bliss. When my son asks about my standing with God, as he will notice his family doesn't do what the Grandmas describe is needed, they will be forced to give their "Bible-based" opinion. They might even try to instill fear about my demise within my child's mind.

    BROOM THEM AWAY! It's the only way to repel them.


  • NewChapter

    That's a tough one Sebastious, because the MIL and I assume the wife are Phillipino. Phillipiinos have the most extraordinary family bonds. It is beyond what I can understand at times. They often seem to work as a unit rather than individuals. They will tolerate a lot, and sacrifice a lot of their own well-being for the good of the family. I have a friend that just moved here from the Phillipines and she said that in her family one sibling attended school at a time. The rest of the family worked to support that sibling and pay for school. They eached wait their turn with no jealousy or impatience. My thought was the day I sat home while my brother attended school is the day I walk out-but that wasn't even a consideration for her. I don't think Mom can give up Grandma, so we have to find a middle ground.

    I still think preparing his son to handle the indoctrination is best. Afterall, not only will it help in this situation, it will be a skill he will use all of his life.


  • angel.face

    Well, he's 3.5 that means that he will be starting preschool next year. At preschool he will be exposed to many different cultures and see kids doing things differently, eating different foods etc. So it's a great time to start talking about religion. You can talk about the different things people believe and the gods that they worship. You can even show him pictures of different gods and goddesses.

    I think talking to your MIL could go both ways. She may respect your request or she may feel that you are persecuting her and witness to your child in secret....that would not be good.

    I think it's also important to help your son have a free thinking spirit. Read stories that encourage free thought. The Emperors new clothes is awesome....maybe too early for your little guy though. Try to find age appropriate stories.

    This episode of the thinking atheist talks about raising free thinking children:

  • N.drew

    "Loving Jehovah brings us closer to..." That is not a bad thing to believe. What is bad is believing we can sway God's opinion. And what is purely evil is an organization that thinks it is a substitute for Jehovah The Most High.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    "Some people believe in God or Jehovah, and others like Mickey Mouse, and others like Bugs Bunny, and others like the Wiggles. Who do you like?"

    I like this answer. Good one, BP.

  • zoiks

    We're in a similar situation, where we rely on my MIL for childcare on a fairly regular basis.

    The other day we were cleaning out the remnants of our WTS stuff from the house and our 3-year-old saw the Bible Stories book and yelled, "No! That's Jehovah's book!" and snatched it from the recycling bin. She then proceeded to open the book and point out to us all the things that Jehovah had done.

    This is going to be a fun conversation with my MIL, but a necessary one. The other kids are not at all interested in the JW stuff, but a 3-year-old is so impressionable.

    Paul, I'm sure you'll find a way to set some reasonable boundaries for your MIL.

  • lola-rabbit

    You are his father, and at the end of the day... you advise, teachings and day to day examples will shade out anything your mother-in-law is teaching him.

  • ShadesofGrey

    oh, zoiks, I hope our 4 yr old doesn't tell MIL that we burned our Bible Story and Great Teacher books!

    Sisterly love, SOG

  • Giordano

    Simply tell your MIL that you and your wife will instruct your child about god and religion and that you'd prefer that she doesn't.

    The Problem is two fold the JW'S will indoctrinate your child if the child is exposed to their meetings and their point of view. Secondly the child is way too young to have to deal with these phony big picture issues.

  • sabastious
    Simply tell your MIL that you and your wife will instruct your child about god and religion and that you'd prefer that she doesn't.

    Witnesses believe that a grandchild not attending meetings is in danger of execution by the hands of our Creator. Even though they try to keep up appeances, they don't actually care about personal boundries because of the scope of their belief system and their personal roles within it. If you tell them "not to instruct your child" they will simply regroup and come at you again more covertly. 'Tis a force unique to this world, JW determination, and especially when involving family.


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