
by Tatiana 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • hungry4life

    Tatiana I had a similar experience the first week of class. Our instructor told us to introduce ourselves and say something about our political and religious beliefs and it had to be controversial. Well my last name starts with A so I had to go first.

    Part of what I said was that I used to be a JW and that since they strongly dissaprove of higher education I had dropped out of college. Now I was returning to finish my degree. I told everyone to be really wary of any person or group who says they have all the answers and that the important thing is to think for yourself.

    I was proud of myself for speaking my mind honestly without putting anybody down. Well towards the end of the day this girl stands up and tells us "My name is Ashley I am a Jehovah's Witness, I am a psychology major and my goal is to get my doctorate and become a marriage family child couselor"

    This was really upsetting to me. I felt like "yeah right since when have the rules changed that much" I mean not just college but a doctorate? and not just any major but Psych and a goal of MFCC? Noble yet totally out of line with WT teachings.

    Yet I was kind of hurt, I was being honest I had left school 10 years ago due to WT pressure and here she turns around and says that and makes me look stupid (well that's how I felt anyway. Like she made me look like a loser who dropped out of school for no reason and is looking for someone to blame. And here she was this superior creature who could do it all). It also made me mad that she made the WT look good and balanced (sorry but that is a crock).

    So about a week later she sat next to me and borrowed a piece of paper, and a pen, and a scantron. I shared with her and then wrote her a quick note saying that I was curious how her family and congregation felt about her long term goals. I waited after class and we walked together and talked she shyly admitted to me that she is actually disfellowshipped!
    and no they do not approve but she is married now and will do whatever she pleases (still trying to get reinstated though and still believes it is the truth). I asked her if she ever got on the internet for research and she said, no and she has no interest in doing that.

    The whole thing irked me sooo bad. In all reality she is not even a witness, they have shunned her to ensure that she not represent herself as such and sully their name, she cannot talk to any of her family and still she defends them. It is so sad. Inside I am still upset because I feel like she misrepresented it all but I cannot be mean to her. Instead I hope to keep talking to her and sharing information with her a little at a time. Who knows maybe with time she will be free from the emotional prison she is in , hers cannot be any easy place to be.

    Tatiana I know this is a long post but I wanted you to know that I empathize with your response, and yet maybe he is in a similar spiritual limbo and his pain is what caused him to lash out. Food for thought. And no in my opinion you do not owe him an apology. Even if he was upset he should have taken you aside privately and discussed it with you. Instead of becoming easily angered, that is after all the Christian way.

  • Julie

    Ah yes, the never-ending Modelling scam has been brought to light. It truly is shameful how some "agencies" *wink* really fleece so many who never stood a chance to begin with. I mean there are some extremely unattractive people out there who, for some reason or other, believe otherwise. These scam agencies take 'em for everything they've got (and then some).

    I became a bit familiar with the industry probably before some of you all were born. Since then I rarely mention it, persoanlly I hated it but it was just "me", don't like to be googled at--whatever. I have helped others in panic moments, like in ladies rooms etc., something possibly gone awry at an event that might prove embarrassing or something, I've offered help, "here, I did some modelling and there's this little trick..."---this one girl a few years younger than me, definitely NOT model stuff says "Oh me too! I used to be a model!" Believe me, it wasn't easy to keep a straight face or not offer sympathies for her having been ripped off. Even though this girl obviously had not been with a "real agency" it is things like this that make me disagree with:

    :Real agencies don't need a gazillion scouts because people come to them. Lots of people. Too many to count.

    While certainly no reputable agency needs a "gazillion scouts", I never ceased to be amazed at how many unattractive people "come to them" and how many gorgeous people wouldn't even consider it (low self-esteem re: their looks being a main problem). One of life's little ironies I guess....

    Funny to hear Mr. JW-model showed up ready for a shoot at Harvard the next day. LOL Good one!

    Hungry4Life--Good for you going back to school!! Sad to hear of that girl, typical victim, protecting victimizer, taking all blame--some things never, ever change.


  • Tatiana

    Hungry.......that was so wrong of her to totally misrepresent the situation like that. I was in 10th grade right before 1975 and was taken out of school. So many things were thrown aside because of that date. Hell, my mom didn't even think dental care was important. She actually told us all of that would be taken care of in the New Earth!

    So, of course, I guess now that it's so far past 1975 as to be a big joke, emphasis and new light is on education and money. And of course they will make it seem like they never said such a thing! And that all us "older" ex-witnesses who have to get an education now just "misunderstood" the Watchtower articles.

    Hungry4life, you are showing so much more restraint than I did. And will probably gain more from it. I still can't believe I did that. And actually I haven't seen Mr. JW at the open calls for a few days. Maybe our super had that "flirting" talk with him!

    Good for you being back in school now!


    If you bury the truth under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.--Emile Zola, J'accuse

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