January 2012 WT Study edition on PDF pulled from JW.org website

by bnybyt 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie
  • TimothyT

    Danke Blondie! :)

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Well, I don't know the difference between German and Simplified German (although I do have the sudden urge to invade Poland after trying to read that issue...) but if they are catering to their 'base,' that is pretty pathetic...

  • TimothyT

    Has it ever occured to anyone that the Watchtower SHOULD have ALWAYS been in simple English anyway?

    What made them get to the point when the Watchtower became SO complicated that they needed a new version?

    If these spiritual truths are to be understood, surely they should have been written as simply and succinctly as possible in the first place.

  • bnybyt

    If these spiritual truths are to be understood, surely they should have been written as simply and succinctly as possible in the first place.

    Exactly, well said Tim!

    And I second the "danke schoen" to Blondie.

    BTW Part of the Nazi plan for conquered lands was to make them learn a form of Simplified German (called WeDe for short. Oy, gevalt!).

  • MrDarkKnight

    Judging from the pictures one of the articles is an attempt to regurgitate the video they released at last years convention and connect Wycliff, Tysdale, Storrs, Grew and Russell. Oh brother, here we go!

  • Quendi

    I'll have to disagree with my friends TimothyT and bnybyt about having a simplified English version of The Watchtower study articles. You don't dumb down. Instead, you encourage your readership to elevate its own learning and reading comprehension. Jesus didn't use dumbed down language to teach. The speech Paul made to the Areopagus in Acts 17 was a masterpiece, and it wasn't delivered in the language of some eight year old. No, you tell your readers that investing in a dictionary and thesaurus is a good thing and they'll be all the better off when they expand their vocabularies.

    Dumbing down WTS literature didn't start with simplified English versions of The Watchtower. Veteran Witnesses will tell you that there is a world of difference between the textbooks used in the Theocratic Ministry School with the old pocket-sized one much more sophisticated in language and teaching style than the current one. Jehovah's Witnesses have always prided themselves on having high standards of reading, writing, and speaking. These latest moves show that the organization no longer values these skills. Considering how other parts of the Witness cosmos are also decaying, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by these developments.


  • ssn587

    What they are dumming down from the 3rd grade now to what kindergarten?

  • LoyalLeon

    i guess that was an error who prompted the issues to be "on" last week; according to schedule the january, 15th issue shouldn't be posted earlier than this week.

    anyway, the german issue seems to be translated from the simplified english edition for quite some years...


  • obarac

    Watchtower January 15, 2012, shedule to be posted is on thursday 13, or even 20th.

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