Secret Elders Meetings & Armaggedon Checklists from FDS ...

by Hairyhegoat 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MrDarkKnight

    This all started after 9/11. It was the first time that the GB had disaster in their own backyard. They realized that it would be a good idea if everyone else was ready.

    Nevermind the fact that everyone outside the US faced terrorism years before the US did. If this is not evidence of the fact that this is an American religion driven by what happens in the US nothing else is. Hell, the dropping of the bookstudy arrangement was driven by the high gas prices in the US in 2007-2008. The rest of the world was already paying 5 or 6 dollars a gallon. The poor US suffers and we drop a meeting.


  • Bella15

    I don't recall anything on the bible that asks Christians to stock up on stuff because the end is near.

  • blondie
  • HappyDad

    What the heck? Decades ago we were told that all we needed was Jehovah's organisation, the Bible, and belief that the angels would deliver us from any and everything that came against us "true" believers.

    Hmmmmm.....guess reality has hit Brooklyn or wherever they are hiding now!


  • trailerfitter

    How odd...I thought that the JW comunity put their faith in god to ensure they would make it through any disaster...??

  • PaintedToeNail

    I agree with Blondie, we were asked to prepare for local emergencies and inform the elders where you would go in the event of an emergency, plus how you could be reached so they could verify your safety. We have an emergency kit, we live in an area that was hammered three weeks ago by flooding, many homes totally destroyed and many people displaced. So it really was a good idea.


  • average joe
    average joe

    Its common sense to prepare ahead of time for disasters many people in the hall are friends and family bu even if they werent it just makes sense.

    The jws believe the end is close but they are still waiting for the governments to turn on religion and other things to happen. No one is saying the end is this year or next year etc.

  • cedars

    Hairyhegoat - I haven't heard anything yet, but I will try to broach the subject with my Dad, who is an active elder. If he tells me anything meaningful, I will let you know...

  • baltar447

    This is more than likely gossip that originated from a meeting held prior to the last hurricane. They have put out disaster contact forms before also post Katrina. We have a couple elders on here, if there was something this nutty it probably will either be confirmed or debunked soon.

  • bigmac

    i can remember as an 11 year old child hearing all about the big a being imminent--so pleaded with mom & dad to lift the floorboards so we could store foodstuffs under the house.

    i am now 63

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