Walk Away

by breakfast of champions 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LostGeneration
  • bafh

    WTBS doesn't want to admit, they really ARE Hotel California. That would actually be a good title for a book about JWs...hahaha

  • paladin

    I would love to walk away but due to family and a sub-contract JW cleaning job i'm stuck in for now. Slow fading seems to be working. It's easy getting in but dam difficult getting out.

  • Quarterback

    Our minds have left along time ago, but we are still in it for the love of our dear family members. Our children, parents, brothers, sisters.

    and, so are hanging around to see when sound reasoning prevails...a faint hope.

    When I hear such foolishness, and I've heard alot lately, I just let them ramble on on their platform...The attendance is only roughly 75 in the KM to hear it.

    I know that our postings are annoying the WTS, because we are not going away as they wish. We have the right to stay and choose our battles, and decide where they are fought.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Gosh! I wish I had the time to respond to everyone....

    Google is god.
    And, you know, I never intended to make the Joe Walsh/Hotel California connection, but it sure as hell works!

    Thanks, everyone for the comments.

    For sure, if it was just a matter of walking away, there would be a blur out the door of my KH, perhaps more than just one...

  • wobble

    "A few Web sites here and there," said a previous poster, as though that isn't much, but that is all it took to bring down some regimes in the Arab world, that is why the WT is afraid.

    The bulls**t from the C.O is far from new, I heard this when I was in, and I was aware it was a half-truth at best even then.

  • factfinder

    @LostGeneration-you are right- when someone leaves they have to slander you somehow. They can't dissfellowship you so they mark you and label you as a bad associate to make sure you are shunned anyway.

    They could not disfellowship me- I left in good standing. So to try and get back at me for leaving they label me as a bad associate. An elder said I am not a brother, not a sheep, not a good friend! I did nothing wrong but discontinue attending their meetings. Ever since then the witnesses ignore me.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's a mob mentality, a bucket of crabs.

    You can only leave if you die, otherwise, the others will grab you and try pulling you back in.

  • rebel8

    They can just walk away from those irksome apostates too. The walking away thing works both ways.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    If everyone that wouldn't believe would just walk away, we wouldn't need to have this site anymore. If everyone that doesn't believe anymore would walk away in my congregation, there would be at LEAST 30% less people there, those that are just following is another 50% and most of them don't really care what is being said, they'll associate with you. It's the 20% of aggressive Witnesses (some but not all are elders and pioneers) that are going to give you issues, it's those people that always have 'issues' and 'need to talk' about their personal and family life, those that buttkiss the elders and try to get somewhere in the organization.

    I am telling you: WALK AWAY at the height of your 'activeness' without doing anything wrong. They will be too embarassed to disfellowship somebody they praised into high heavens the week before and too afraid of others seeing the hypocrisy of disfellowshipping as well (your family and friends) just because you believe something else.

    Read the Elder's manual (I got it and it's available on several sites) and see how to get out of the disfellowshipping situation if you're worried about it. They require 1) that you apostatize (actively convert people) 2) Proof of at least 2 independent witnesses. If you're anonymous here they don't have proof. Just tell them you don't want to anymore and walk away, they can't disfellowship you for it. Don't disassociate either, just stop playing their game.

    If you WALK AWAY, you never know who might follow your footsteps, family bonds especially are very strong, most of the times stronger than their faith and even if they're not, most people will have issues with shunning family members but they never were in that situation so they just parrot whatever they're supposed to say until it hits them personally and then they'll open their eyes (sometimes not immediately but next time somebody says something very generalized about those 'whoring, drinking, druggie apostates' from the stage and they can't see that in you)

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