I've lurked a long time: JW's produce some of the most paranoid humans

by Unlearn 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • palmtree67
  • Rabbit

    Welcome, UnLearn !

    I thought some of the same paranoid things you did before joining here. But, nothing happened. Not even a 'Star Gate' type demon jumping out of the computer screen into my face.

    I've been out over a decade now...guess what I just UnLearn -ed ? JW's came to our door a few days ago and *I* went out and talked to them. They were pretty surprised to find an Ex-JW here after all these years. I stopped being afraid. I'm already being shunned, family broken up, except for making it 'official', I'm already DF'd. What more can they take from me...?

    Then, came the questions: Why did you stop...going, etc? I answered them about my mom dying -- no blood transfusion -- that led into a very interesting discussion.

    They Learn -ed a lot.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Welcome! May your unfolding (on this board) story be an inspiration for other lurkers out there.

    Pop open a cold one, grab a seat and feel like home. We are a good family.

  • talesin

    Welcome to the board!

    Love you too.

    note, re paranoia,,, Paranoia. People with paranoid feelings have a constant suspicion, without justification, others around them have sinister motives and cannot be trusted

    You, we, are not paranoid, because there is justification for the way we feel. Just saying' ... the JWs make us feel crazy enough, without putting that type of label on ourselves. ;)


  • ReallyTrulyAthena

    Welcome, Unlearn! First of all, don't be sorry. Not one bit. Share away! I look forward to future posts from you.

    Nice to meet you all. Thanks to many of you for circling around my flickering flame and protecting it for years...even when you didn't know I was there.
    You didn't even know you were aiding-&-abetting in the act of saving what was left of my life.

    Nice to meet you, too. Like many other long-time lurkers who finally joined and started to post here at the wonderfully wild & woolly JWN, I too felt a sense of gratitude towards those here who "aided & abetted in the act of saving my life". I've learned a LOT here and what is "the truth about the Truth". It truly is a place of gathering, of like and dislike, of here and there -- and yet, it all is all good.

    ...the layers keep coming off. I expect they will forever. When you're long-time born-in...it's a process that I believe never ends.

    Born-in here. It's a continuing process for me, too. DF'd for 20 years to boot. Just when I think I've peeled away all the layers, when I'm finally "done"...I find more layers below. But I keep plugging away. To share one of my favorite quotes: "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.' "

    Love & friendship to you

    ~ RTA

  • LV101

    Welcome, UnLearn. Great post and glad you're here.


  • Hadit

    Welcome Unlearn! That was a powerful post. I'm so happy that both you and your wife are out. Now you can live your lives in freedom.

    Nice to meet you all. Thanks to many of you for circling around my flickering flame and protecting it for years...even when you didn't know I was there.
    You didn't even know you were aiding-&-abetting in the act of saving what was left of my life.
    I love you.

    Such beautiful and heartfelt words to read! Thank you for sharing that. It brings so much hope to think that many people are out there watching, reading and making their way out.

    Wishing you the best.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Welcome Unlearn....lovely to meet you

  • alias

    Welcome, Unlearn. Great user name.


  • Spectre

    Welcome! I'm so glad that your wife is out also (lots of sad stories around here when only one leaves).

    So tell me, what was the straw that broke the camels back? What one thing made you say , "enough!"?

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